What would you do?


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So I am in the housing market currently (although I'm in no hurry ) and I have been looking at some super sharp manufactored homes. Prices range from 55-79 grand on the ones we've looked at. Now heres my delima.....LAND! My grandpa doesn't wanna let me move the house I live in now to place a new home on the property, so staying where we are now is a no go unfortunately. BUT, I do own land back where I grew up where I could put a home. The problem is, we absolutely love it here on Lake Texoma, and theres nothing for us back home. My job allows me to live pretty much anywhere, and jenn would easily have a teaching job at our old school, but theres nothing near that area. It's a 45 minute drive to anything similar to what we have here in Durant. So I have been checkin lot and land prices here and they are all around 15 grand for a one acre lot. So my question to you all is what would you do? Move to the land you already have ( I can't sell it either ), and save the 15 grand, or take the plunge and buy the lot so you can stay where you are? If your confused I'm sorry lol:D

Oh here is what we are looking at buying....http://www.sehomes.com/customer/details.php?model=MC3641

Edited by The_Kat
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Well heres the deal on the place I have now. It's mine as long as I want it, but when I decide to leave, it will go back to my grandpa. That was the agreement when I bought it from him. So selling and renting is not an option sadly, or it'd be a no brainer for me. I'd sell it and move the new home right here on this land.

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i wouldn't even consider a mobile home today. with the housing market where it is, i'd buy a house. lots of builders and banks are in trouble and you can now get a new or repo stick built home real cheap. and, if you wait a month or 2, you'll enjoy 4 1/2% interest. but i just don't get exactly what you "bought" from your grandpa? do you own the land and home or not? if you bought it, it's yours. when you move, he gets it back? i hope he's buying it back or you got cheated.

bottom line is get a stick built home in the current market. in 20 years, you'll be real glad you did. if you doubt that, go price a 20 year old stick built home and a 20 year old mobile home. simple as that.

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i wouldn't even consider a mobile home today. with the housing market where it is, i'd buy a house. lots of builders and banks are in trouble and you can now get a new or repo stick built home real cheap. and, if you wait a month or 2, you'll enjoy 4 1/2% interest. but i just don't get exactly what you "bought" from your grandpa? do you own the land and home or not? if you bought it, it's yours. when you move, he gets it back? i hope he's buying it back or you got cheated.

bottom line is get a stick built home in the current market. in 20 years, you'll be real glad you did. if you doubt that, go price a 20 year old stick built home and a 20 year old mobile home. simple as that.

I agree with Steve too. Buy the land and build, or find something that's currently on the market. The way the industry is now, you can get a lot of house for the money. I don't think the real estate market has bottomed out yet, but it will soon.

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Kyle if you can buy a house you would be much happier. Melissa and I live in a trailer...........I hate it buuuuuuuttttttttt you've seen the place and when I decide to move I am going to put another trailer on the east side lot and then I'll have 2 rent houses right there............I would bet you can buy a house for pretty dadgum cheap right now.

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