Nerf war's ....ouch !


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We had a little birthday get together dinner with my Minister last night.....he's also my hunting buddy......well it all started out nice and formal.......till we broke out the big N-strike Nerf gun' those nerf guns change a person from mild manner to anything goes and wifes are fair game too.....of course they were unarmed and easy we were running around like little kids......I'm 45.....he's 52....and my boys 10 yrs. old and he was loving it.....we were even pumping the guns a little more for that little extra sting....."ouch" .....what fun....well after working up a good sweat and making sure we didn't break anything.....we cooled off and released the hunters within with some good Cabela's PS2 hunting sure was a good time and help take the edge off cabin fever.....Nerf's sure have a way of bringing out the dark side of one......ha....but I highy recommend this excercise.......even if it does transform your polite mild manner pastor into a ruthless !

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Re: Nerf war\'s ....ouch !

Very cool, very cool.


Isn't it great playing a kid's game, and after it's all over sitting down and thinking to yourself "I'm 41 and I still think like a kid."

I went outside and had a snowball fight with my kids today. I hauled out my bungee water balloon thrower and used it to launch snowballs. crazy.gif

You see right there, my arm is 41 and damaged by 2 surgeries, but my mind still thinks like a 10 year old so I used that to come up with the bungee thrower idea to save my pathetic, 41 year old noodle arm. wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Nerf war\'s ....ouch !

Yeah I miss the snowball fights....I had the nerf-titan rocket launcher....I call it the intimidator....just the mere sight of this thing pointed at you and you have to high-tail it and run....shoots a 12" (as round as a coke can) foam rocket......hit my pastor right in the forehead after he peak around the corner trying to nail me......I felt bad but it was on and he didn't mind......needless to say he gave up on that sneak Yeah we took more punishment than the three stooges and the wives just stayed away....they were smart ! Yeah its great just being a big kid......keeps us young at heart huh?

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: Nerf war\'s ....ouch !


at least it is safer than BB wars. I am only 20 but I remember when we used to play those dangerous games. At least you knew when you hit someone by the screaming and cuss words that would come out when you hit the other dude.

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Re: Nerf war\'s ....ouch !

My boy has a Stink blaster gun...good smelly fun....but the nerf gun we fight over is called the Hornet,.....its like a mini load 6 darts in 6 seperate chambers and you can fire all 6 at once for that painful scatter gun effect or rapid fire each one at a time......its nasty and packs a little wallop !

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