My NY season so far


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Here are the highlites of my season. since nov 15 to this date i have seen 5 deer, 1doe w/ 1fawn, 1 deer sneaking below my stand(all i saw were legs), and 2 doe today. I went out all day and seen nothing, came home and looked out the window and here come 2 accross the field to the corn. So i grabbed the slug gun and snunk down to 70 yrds and shot. turns out i missed about 6 in low, go figure the way my season has been going. How's everyone else's season going?

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Same think here just about dsharp...and I don't live all that far away from you. Got 2 doe and a 5 point during archery...archery was awesome. As soon as shotgun started, saw a dinky spike on opening morning, then missed a bigger spike a week later, got a small doe but other than that, have only seen a few does, no bucks at all accept for the bigger spike.....I think the deer take numbers are going to be way down after gun season.....I have yet to see a vehicle with a deer on top of it.

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