what's your most versatile piece of hunting equip/gear?


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What's your most versatile piece of hunting equip/gear? Mine would have to be my turkey vest. Although made for turkey hunting, I use it for everything from turkey, deer, small game and hiking. You can fit a variety of thing in the call specific pockets and the seat is really the best reason I use it year round.

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It would have to be my 870. I have 3 barrels for it-Rifled for deer, turkey barrel, and field barrel. I have alot of other guns, but if I had to have just one, that would be it. Besides, my dad gave it to me when I graduated from Hunters Safety almost 18 years ago.

The second choice would be my Binocluars, my eyes aren't the greatest, and they serve use during the entire year. Safe hunting to all,


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Cabelas SuperMag Game Cart...all the gear goes in on it and hopefully it's even a little heavier on the way back out.

I've used it with it turned over on its side and it automatically becomes a ground blind with the side rails being the built-in shooting rail;)

I've thought about painting the underside in a camo pattern but by the time I get to where I hunt with it the bottom already has a custom "Wheel Slung Mud" pattern anyways:D

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