up to montezuma refuge in morn


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Did you see any good bucks? How long does the season run there? Any special regulations? Any pre-registration required? Are the numbers of hunters regulated in any way? Exactly where do they let you hunt in the refuge?

That's a bit of a drive for me, but that would certainly be something different to do for a day or two next year.


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to doc yea register at weigh in station think 150 hunters for gun allowed per day not too sure as far as bow think its somewhere around there i took nice 7 point there in bow was nov 1 bow opens 1 sat in nov,gun same as southern zone was nov 15 awsome huntin there we hunt out in swamps in cattails. hope this helps and its shotgun muzzloading i only found about place through coworker worked with who grew up there in auburn,ny.

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we hunt out in swamps in cattails.

You don't mean you are standing in water do you? I assume you mean some high and dry spots in the cattails.....right?

I have often looked at the swamp at the south end of Canandaigua Lake (hundreds of acres of cattails) and thought that if I was a smart old buck, I probably would find some place out there to spend my daylight hours. I don't think anyone really goes out there (standing deep-ish water and deep mud can make it a bit treacherous). However, I know there are some high areas out there that are dry but still have a dense cover of cattails that no one could ever get through without tipping off everything in the swamp. I'm not sure just how I would hunt it though.


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I always wondered what it would be like to hunt Montezuma. I pass through a few times a year on the Thruway. Went to a Bills game a couple years ago and saw so many geese flying over there it was scary!

I hunted Cicero Swamp a couple years ago. I'm not a big fan of hunting in terrain that is that wet though. Can't walk a straight line for more than ten feet without going through water. There are definately big bucks in there though.

I noticed vehicles driving on a road adjacent to the Thruway in Montezuma. Have no idea how to access it though.

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