Prayers Plz!


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My grandpa has been feeling pretty rough the last week with upper respitory problems. He had told me last weekend that he hadn't ever had a cold hit him quite like this one has. Well he went to the doctor yesterday and they shipped him to Shawnee, OK to the hospital there where he was admitted. Turns out he has full blown pnuemonia, and also found out today that he has had a bladder infection that when untreated, so it has put a toxin in his bloodstream. They think they caught in in time and it's nothing serious, but some prayers would be nice! I did talk to him earlier and he is feeling much better he said. I'll be going to see him in an hour or so, so I should have a lil more information! Thanks guys and gals!

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Doctors said GPA outta be home tomorrow sometime. They think he may have some hidden heart problems so they are bringing him back for more tests. I talked to him earlier and he says he feels great. But I saw him lastnight and he looked pretty rough. He was sure glad OU won. Anyways, I'll post more when I know more.

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