OK, now who...


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...want's to help me wring this Browning sluggun out...:D



Picked up a used Gold Deer Hunter this past summer but because of a little snafu with the scope didn't get it dialed in properly prior to our deer season opener. I did get it to shoot OK with the Rem Copper Solids but 4" at 100yds aint quite what I believe this combo is capable of. There are still a couple different loads I want to try but haven't gotten around to picking them up yet.

Anyone feel like getting their bell rung off the bench...:p


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I'd love to help you, but I'm going on year number 3 trying to sight in my best friend's Remington 11-87. We've put about 6 different kinds of shells in and pumped out about 100 rounds and still can't hit a pizza box at 75 yds consistently. Replaced the scope and mounting system and still nothing.


Awesome gun btw. I love those gold hunters!! My buddy has a GH 2, all black.

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Why don't you put your favorite nightie back on and go out and shoot the darn thing sissy-boy????

I have to admit I never enjoyed dialing in slug-guns either. Luckily for me I have a Marlin Slugmaster that is as reliable as they get. One or two and it's dead on.

Best advice................... Take it easy. Those slug barrels get hot quick and it doesn't take much to throw them out.

Hornady's always shot well for me.

Enjoy the bruise...................


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HECK YA I'LL DO IT, 6' 4" 285lb I don't feel no pain from shotguns. I use a bolt action slug gun so it kicks worse than your little auto loader. I like the pink nightie comment. Try puttin on a limbsaver they help a bit. Try the Remington primer accu-tip bonded sabot slug, they are supose to be amazing, I use copper solids and print a 2in group at 100yds and a 5in group at 150yds.

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Oh, I'm not really shying away from the task. I've never run anymore than maybe 75 slugs down range at one sitting so 100+ may get interesting...:o

That is the gun and that is my buck from this year. Thankfully the shot wasn't anymore than about 50-60yds. I missed earlier that same morning at 100yds or so...:cool:

Strut is gonna have to find another pink nighty.....that one is kinda tight through the chest.....:eek:


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You know Don, I haven't seen Charles in quite some time, we do speak on the phone occasionally. Are you telling me that with the incessant use of non-OTPG guns he has started growing man-boobs ???

What a shame....................that's how it all starts though.

BTW Charles.........................I like my new title................proud of it.

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WOW, that's going to be quite a bit of shooting, and a nice bruise when it's all said and done. You'll have fun though, and let's hope you find a good combo that shoots well.

Heck of a deer, by the way. Great photo and a good looking GH.

Last year, a friend of mine got a new scope for his Muzzleloader and we were shooting it in. He was doing all the shooting and was having trouble getting it dialed in. Each shot was really starting to wear on his shoulder but he didn't want to have to pass it on to another shooter. A few more shots and cleanings of the barrel and he reallized he hadn't tightened the rings down all the way.

His father-in-law and I laughed and laughed as he mounted it again and started all over again. Finally he did 'share' the punishment though and we got him setup.

Good luck, and my bet is that the gun will like those 'Federal Premiums' on the left.

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You know Don, the next thing he'll be telling us, is that he picked up a pellet gun in order to get rid of those feral cats out by the garbage.


Winter will set in around the Great Lakes and he'll start sipping on some cocoa...................I cannot imagine the rest.....:(:(:(:(:(

My oh My.......................how the once Mighty have fallen........

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