Thought I would stop by and say Hi...


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Hi Folks...

Been a while I no... A lot of things has happened since then andI won't get into great details. But lets just say that I have been super busy here on the ranch and plus I've been out huntin' every chance I get and couldn't be happierI shot a Doe early season and that's it so far...Been chasin' some Big Bucks here alsoMy Buddy Eddie aka Stick came down and hunted with me... Eddie was able to bring down a big ole 400lb. boar hog with 4 inch cuttersYeah...He was big...

Here's a pic of him...



When I say I have been chasin' some big bucks I mean just that. There is some giants here. I was walking out the other day from hunting and came across this...

This guy was all tangled up in barbwire. it was so bad that he snapped a T-Post off.Plus it looked like during his struggle he had wrapped the wire around a tree truck. The wire was so tight around the tree truck I like to never got it undone...

I guess you can say that he is a true barbwire buck...

Here's ya some pics of the skull...24 scoreable points on the bad boy and mass to go with it...




Oh yeah... I found out the other day that I'm going to be on a Outdoor Show sometime in Jan...

I've been putting on hog hunts for folks here and this Outdoor Show is going to be here and there going to film a hunt that I'm going to have a some Military Folks...

I don't no all the details so I will fill yall in later as the time gets near...

But all and all...Things here couldn't be any better...

Well I'm off...I have a long hike in the woods so I'll catch yall later...

Yall have a good one...


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