Wisconsin or U.P. Michigan

Guest lpfireguy151

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Guest lpfireguy151

Alright all you folks from these to states, help a fellow hunter. We have found some land/cabins packages in both states. We are looking for your guys's inputs on witch way to go buy. Michigan has white tail, bear, elk, and moose. Wisconsin has "bigger" deer as I was told. What do you guys think. We have big grain fed hogs of white tails but, we are looking for more of a adventure and time awhile with family and friends.

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I'm biased but hey, everyone knows that the U.P. is part of Wisconsin anyway:rolleyes:. Most are Cheeseheads tried and true!!

If you can pick up some UP land in that large block of professionally managed property called UP Northwoods, you'll have some pretty good hunting. Otherwise I would lean to Wisconsin. Both have awesome Deer Hunting Traditions that are second to none.

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Please pick Wisconsin, we already have the cheeseheads invading our woods!!!!!:D Feel free to invade theirs.:D As far as hunting goes in Michigan you would have to draw for a bear tag (I have been putting in for 3 years and havent got one yet) and an Elk tag (which is very difficult to draw for) and Elk are only in the Northern Lower Peninsula. You can not hunt moose in Michigan.

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Michigan has white tail, bear, elk, and moose.

Of those four animals mentioned, you'll only get a chance to hunt one of them on a regular basis. There are moose in Michigan, but you cannot hunt them. Elk and Bear are on a lottery system. The Elk area is in the Northern Lower (if drawn yo uare required to hunt them there)and some people go their whole lives without ever drawing a tag. It is truly a once in a lifetime hunt if you are drawn for an elk tag. IF you are lucky enough to draw a tag and you receive an "either sex" tag, you cannot apply again for the rest of your life, if you draw an antlerless only tag, you must wait ten years before applying again. The bear hunts as I said are also on a lottery system, and from what I have heard, they aren't as hard to get as an elk tag, but they aren't easy to get either.(but don't quote me on that, some areas may be a bit easier to draw in, I THINK:o). So that leaves you with just deer every year. The U.P. is some beautiful country, we hunt in Menominee county, about 5 miles from the Wisconsin border every year and it is always a blast going up there. But, If I were looking for land for deer hunting, I'd have to go with Wisconsin. The deer heard in some areas of the U.P. are hurting right now, and IMO with this winter we are having, I don't think it is going to get any better any time soon.

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First of all the U.P. is in no way part of Wisconsin or a mental ward....and if you cant get that POTSHRLS you deff belong in wisconsin. It depends on what type of hunter you are, if you are a shoot the first thing you see hunter than say the heck out of Michigan. but if you can be patient and not kill the first buck that walks by then welcome to the greatest in the U.S.A

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Guest lpfireguy151

I have heard that Elk is pretty difficult to get drawn for, and a bear tag is a tad easier but not a walk in and buy one. Moose is just a bonus to see for now.. Who knows maybe down the road they might open a season for them , but for now it would just be a awesome sight to see. Patients, shoot I got 5 kids so you want to talk about patients I got some and then some. I love to just go out to the woods wheather I am able to harvest anything or not isn't the always the big goal. Time in the stand with my kids and the wife seeing their faces light up is a bigger reward. The herds on public land in both states are both hurting. I think that's why we were looking for 50+ acres boarding forest property. Thanks for all your inputs. Good luck to you all in late seasons.

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