Are the churches going gay or what?


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What is with this state. Is everybody gay up here that churches and everything else has to support the gay and lesbian community up here in Mass.

Look, I am a Christian (or should I say I believe), I am probably not a good role model for one but anyway, this is the latest scoop from TSBH grin.gif

Alright, my wife is a good Christian...unlike I try to take my family to church every Sunday. Well, we found a what I thought nice church right up the road from us. It is a Methodist Church. Today we went and it was nice and we liked it...only until I discovered thier beliefs. They say that they welcome EVERYBODY including " any Sexual Orientation". So after the service one of the ushers asked us how we liked the service and me being a smart *** that I am, I asked him if I was reading this right and he said I was. I then said "Well, that is surely good to know". He must of guessed that I am against it so he said "we do not discriminate against anybody" and I then said "well I will not put my kids around something like that because I do not want him to think that it is OK because it is not". That was pretty much the end of the conversation but we were then certainly the outcast after that. I know this probably happens in all states but this state has got to be the worst with this stuff.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

LMBO that must have been quite the sight to see...i mean the look on your wifes face. laugh.gif Oh, and i love the title of this thread. lol Sounds like quite the state you are living in, guess you should call aroung to the churches before next sunday. For some reason i don't think you will be too shy to ask their stance on the subject. Good luck finding a normal church, there must be at least one in the state.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

Are you sure you didn't take it the wrong way ??

It is one thing to welcome the gay community into the church to hear what the bible has to say about what they practice, and possibly be converted, but a totally different thing to welcome them into the church and then hiding the truth in God's word about what they do and accepting their sexual orientation with open arms.

The Bible talks about the apostacy (falling away from sound doctrine) of the churches, in the last days. Could this be what we are witnessing in this day and age ??

I left one of the churches I used to attend, because they were planning on ordaining, "practicing" homosexuals as ministers. Now I can understand and accept the ordaining of a converted homosexual to the ministry, but not a practicing one. A minister is supposed to be beyond reproach. If he is a practicing homosexual, he is far from being beyond reproach. frown.gif

This is what I believe, with Gods word as my back-up wink.gif

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

Buckee, I need to take someone to Logan INT...when I get back, I will quote what the paper says. I understand about a converted one and everything but I really don't think thats what they meant. They welcome EVERYBODY. I will type it on here later tonight for you all to read and tell me what you think.

Ok, I am off to Boston-Logan...I wonder how many gay folks I will run into there grin.gif

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

We have some friends that just joined our Southern Baptist church after their new paster at the Methodist church turned out to be a lesbian. It was not a closet case, it was very open. When they talked to the people in charge (not sure who that is in a methodist church) They said that the methodist church did not discriminate when it came to their pasters. I know if that is happening here in the bible belt then it's probibly the same everywhere else.

Personally I don't think they should be allowed to preach, teach or have any leadership role in the church. But they should be taught the truth so that they can be "saved" and repent. That won't happen if you don't allow them in the door. I don't believe a person who has a relationship with Christ can live that lifestyle and not be completely miserable.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

i was in church one sunday, right after the government up here proposed that they accept homosexuality, and we had a guest priest in at the church (i am roman catholic btw) and he started talking about how much homosexuality is wrong. he really started to get frustrated on the topic, and at one point was raising his voice against it. the regular priest was sitting in his chair... thankfully, because i think he would have fainted if he was standing, he had the " shocked.gif " look on his face lol. i was really astounded that a priest would talk that open about the subject. but anyways, there was a "couple" two pews behind our family... i can pick a gay guy out of a crowd grin.gif and i thought that they may have been gay. i heard them start to talk out loud, then all of a sudden they jumped up in the middle of the homily and stormed out of the church!! ooo.gif they were POed lol. i think our regular priest was ready to strangle the guest priest grin.gif

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?


Are you sure you didn't take it the wrong way ??

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OK Buckee and everybody else, this is quoted from their program. Tell me if you think I took it the wrong way. READ THE WHOLE THING CAREFULLY...

" RECONCILING & WELCOMING STATEMENT: The United Methodist Church is a community of believers and seekers, with differences in age, class, nationality, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, abilities and limitations. We at Sudbury United Methodist Church recognize that there are attitudes, concerning these diverse characteristics, which violate the integrity of individuals and deny the richness of God's creation. Therefore we affirm our welcome to all people into our community of faith. We are comitted to be a fellowship in which all persons feel a part of our family, enabling them to grow in thier faith, to be fed our fellowship, and to contribute thier talents to the life of the church in its worship, programs, and outreach. We call the church and society to be sensitive to all persons and to advocate programs which attempt to ensure justice for all.

Now what in the heck do you call that crap. Pretty much what I get out of it is that we are supposed to be sensitive to queers. Do you still think I took it the wrong way confused.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?


Pretty much what I get out of it is that we are supposed to be sensitive to queers.

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LMBO that was subtly put. The way i read it anyway is that they welcome everyone and accept everyone and their beliefs. So yes i would say you interpreted that correctly...though i may have phrased it a bit differently. wink.gif

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

Geez, why do I wander into the political forum?

Well, some of you know my views on homosexuals, if you don't, well, let's just say I'm not homophobic and I try not to pass judgement on anyone, including homosexuals.

I come at this topic from a different perspective I guess, because I think my brother was gay. He never "came out of the closet," but he had feminine qualities, and hung out with some dudes that were definitely out of the closet.

Having said that, I think some of us need to be more tolerant of gays. I'm sure some gays are out there flaunting it and being lecivious, but there's plenty of straights out there like that too. Just because someone's gay doesn't mean they will be out there trying to convert the world or will be pedophiles. There's good and bad gays just like there's good and bad straights.

I've been taught that God is an all-loving and all-forgiving. Philosophically speaking it just seems to me that God will not condemn a person because they're gay.

I know this will fall on some deaf ears, but it's how I feel.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

I have a totally different view of homosexuality, Chris, and it doesn't come from any religeous stand point at all. I have a gay cousin. As a person, he's alright. But, we had an understanding very early on in our relationship- Don't try to force me to be tolerant of your lifestyle. He doesn't talk about his private life and neither do I. We get along just fine on the rare occasion we see each other

Tolerance is nothing but being forced to accept something that you know deep inside is wrong. In other words, betray what you believe so someone else doesn't get their feelings hurt. No dice, I won't do it.

You're free to your opinion, if you have no problem with homosexuality, good for you. But, I have a totally different idea of interpersonal relationships and I see sex for what it is, a way to create life, last time I checked that's hard to accomplish in a gay relationship.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?


Geez, why do I wander into the political forum?

Well, some of you know my views on homosexuals, if you don't, well, let's just say I'm not homophobic and I try not to pass judgement on anyone, including homosexuals.

I come at this topic from a different perspective I guess, because I think my brother was gay. He never "came out of the closet," but he had feminine qualities, and hung out with some dudes that were definitely out of the closet.

Having said that, I think some of us need to be more tolerant of gays. I'm sure some gays are out there flaunting it and being lecivious, but there's plenty of straights out there like that too. Just because someone's gay doesn't mean they will be out there trying to convert the world or will be pedophiles. There's good and bad gays just like there's good and bad straights.

I've been taught that God is an all-loving and all-forgiving. Philosophically speaking it just seems to me that God will not condemn a person because they're gay.

I know this will fall on some deaf ears, but it's how I feel.

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Tominator, I respect your opinion on that subject but we are talking about a church here. No matter what anybody says or whatever explanation they give, it is wrong...especially for a church to accept it.

I will never be more tolarant to it. But your words are what I am afraid of. I am afraid for my 2 boys. I keep wondering when it is going to happen that they learn in schools what you just said in your post.....that they need to be "tolarant or Sensitive to that subject". But hey, that's your opinion and I respect that but I just hope that teachers don't say what you just said to their students in the future...especially where my kids go to school.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?


Having said that, I think some of us need to be more tolerant of gays. I'm sure some gays are out there flaunting it and being lascivious, but there's plenty of straights out there like that too. Just because someone's gay doesn't mean they will be out there trying to convert the world or will be pedophiles. There's good and bad gays just like there's good and bad straights.

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I'm sorry your brother was guy (if he was).

The sexual act that homosexuals and lesbians engage in, is what is a sin . God didn't make us to do that. His word is clear on that.

Now, If anyone wants to believe their own take on something and make up their own belief , then that is totally up to them. I will have to stand before the real Lord someday and give an account of myself, just like we all will, saved and unsaved alike.

I don't hate gays, but I am against the sexual acts they perform together, not because it is my private opinion or interpretation of Gods word.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for a reason, and it wasn't because he was happy with gayness. frown.gif Homosexuality along with promiscuity in heterosexuals are all a product of Godlessness.

Don't think I am defending everything heterosexuals do, just because I am against Homosexuality.


ROMANS 1:18-32

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

1 JOHN 1:5-7

5This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

2 Timothy 4-2-4

2Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

I stopped going to church regularly when it seemed to me that there was a place in the church for everyone, regardless of how evil you were, except for gays. I've met too many "christian" people who weren't worthy of what I wipe off the bottom of my shoe's and met many gays I would trust my life with. That's all I have to say about that.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

Well, like I said, I shouldn't come into the political forum. grin.gif

I guess I'm not getting my point across effectively.

I'll try one more time. It is not our place to condemn, it's the Lord's, and there's plenty of instances in the bible where Jesus forgives. I think that's one of the biggest reasons Jesus came to us and taught us.

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Re: Is everyone gay up here or what?

Just remember--God loves the person--just hates the sin--that being adultry or homosexuality. I go to a Southern Baptist. My preacher speaks freely in his sermon on his stance of homosexuality. The bible does also.

Our preacher would be the first one to welcome a homosexual in our church. He wouldn't welcome any homosexual activities (I mean like holding hands) in the service but he and the church would welcome them and pray for them--the same way the church would of a young couple that was living together.

I have several clients that are openly gay--I have become very good friends with these couples. They don't flaunt there homosexuality but both male couples are some of the nicest people I have ever been around.

God is a very forgiving God---no where in the bible does it say where homosexuality is not a forgivable sin. Getting these people in church may just get them thinking about their lifestyle and where they want to spend eternity!


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Re: Are the churches going gay or what?

Churches are built and maintained for the sinner.

We, who are Christians, welcome the sinner to our church that they may hear the Word of God, be saved, and part from their paths of sin.

Sin comes in many shapes and sizes and styles, but the bottom line is ..."God hates sin, although He loves the sinner." The Holy Bible tells us this, and I believe it. God has named certain sins that to Him are an abomination. Homosexuality is one of them. A Christian may have been a homosexual at one time, but if that person does not turn from that sin, and truly try to to live a Christian life, that person was never saved and is not a Christian.

If you believe that what the Bible says is true, you must believe that homosexuality is a sin.

When Jesus forgave the sinners he always told them "to sin no more".

Tominator, I sincerely wish you had a different opinion.

I am sure I will not change your mind and will not try.

I do ask how anyone can make the following comment about interracial relationships:

("Still too much social stigmata in my opinion. I've seen some that work, but in most cases they are socially unacceptable.")

Are you saying that a heterosexual couple is socially unacceptable, but that we should condone, tolerate, and socially accept the behavior of homosexuals?

I will agree to disagree with anyone on this issue, no matter how much I respect that persons right to their opinion.


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Re: Are the churches going gay or what?

Don't worry, we will never return. I can't believe what some of you are saying. I can see if a homosexual want's to start going to church or a church wanting homosexuals to attend to maybe start changing his or her ways but I really do not think that's what this church is saying. I mean read the statement. They want the congregation to be sensitive to these issues. I don't think so. It is wrong and for the church to support this and it is not saying much for the church either. Believe what you want but it is still wrong.

See, I think this is where young peole coming up in the world today think it's alright to be gay. You always hear that crap "They can be born gay"...that is bogus BS. They turn gay because they are brought up being taught that it is ok or "Be sensitive or tolarant" to them.

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