Why no blood?

pse arhcer

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Last week I shot a doe...looked like I made a decent shot, maybe a tad low. After the shot the doe just trotted a few steps, and then started walking normal. Watched her for as long as I could see her. Waited a while, then checked my arrow.

All I saw on the arrow was fat, and hair. There was white hair on the ground. Figuring a bad hit, I decided to come back in the a.m.

The next morning, I started looking, and found the best blood from any deer I have ever hit. I recovered the doe about 40 yds. from where I last saw her (total of <100yds). I ended up taking out one lung.

My question is...why was there no blood on the arrow?

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I did the same thing with the big 8 I killed. I hit him very low, (just barely clipped the bottom of his heart) and he only ran about 40 yds and fell, but there was no blood what so ever on my arrow. It was all fat. I didn't see or hear him fall, so when I looked at my arrow I was dissappointed and thought I just grazed the bottom of him, but then I could see blood on the ground where he ran off.

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