Il Blogo in jail!!!!


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Long and short of it is he has the ability as our Gov to appoint someone to Obama's soon to be open Senate seat. He was going to hold that open for campaign money, or save it for himself if there wasn't a highest bidder. He also put pressure on the owners of the Chicago Tribune to fire some people who wrote some negative articles about him. Good thing for IL is he really did it to himself this time.

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His time in office was over after about day one....we really needed this,and i couldn't be happier...I hope they throw the book at him, and put someone in his place that will represent this state in its entirety, not just chicago...someone who will listen to the rural residents, and actually spend time in springfield...someone who actually realizes and understands the imortance of historical sites, state parks, and our DNR...someone who understands the severity of conserving and preserving this beautiful state and all it has to offer...and most importantly, someone who will not lie, cheat or steal in an effort to better himself in any way shape or form!

Just goes to show his true colors and how much of a self richeous, pompous, no good, spider eyed reject he really is!

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Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

Really surprised some good ole redneck from the southern part of our state hasnt capped ole block head long before now. Hope he gets it all and then some.

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