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i've put whirlpool tubs in my homes for 7 years. it's a good investment. you can get one from lowe's or home depot for under 800 bucks. if you get on ebay, you can find the whirlpool tub enclosures for about $3,000. delivered. this is a glass enclosrue, whirlpool, suana, steam room, am/fm radio, 8" tv, hands free phone, mood lighting, stereo, disc player, and a bunch more. i've put them in 5 homes, and everyone loves them.

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I have one of the corner tubs. We put it in when we added on. I was outside working my tail end off all day. I will be in mine in about ten minutes. I didnt think I would use it much but honestly im in it as much as my wife is.

They are easy to install and the pump/ heater only require a 110v outlet. There are a ton of upsides. The only two downsides I can think of are that it takes a LOT of water to fill and you have to use a Roman Faucet.

The Roman Faucets are pretty and expensive. However, watch ebay closely. I picked up a brushed nickel roman, with the porcelain valves for around $60. That is really cheap. A lot of them top $300. It took a couple of months before I really got a good deal but it was worth waiting.

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I've installed a couple for friends and worked on a couple others again for couldn't pay me to do it professionally.

Be sure to plan the space it's going to sit to allow for easy access to the plumbing hookups both supply water and drains. Every one I've turned wrench on eventually had drain issues due to being plugged with all sorts of stuff...:eek:

You'll also have to plan a larger hot water heater unless you have a on demand type unit for the whole house.


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I wouldn't put a whirlpool tub in my worst enemy's house. Save the square footage and spend the extra $$'s and put a hot tub in the backyard. Ten times the therapy and it will get used ten times as much. And it's alot better for resale. Everyone I know who has built new has wanted a whrlpool tub in the bath and hated it after 6 months.


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Also, when I went house hunting some guy figured it would be nice to enclose his hot tub in the house. Can you spell MOLD?

I could not get out of that place fast enough!

This will be a whirlpool tub, not a hot tub thing that sits on the deck. My wife has arthrits, and this will be one indulgence the new house will have.

Thanks for the info folks and keep them coming.

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This will be a whirlpool tub, not a hot tub thing that sits on the deck. My wife has arthrits, and this will be one indulgence the new house will have.

Thanks for the info folks and keep them coming.

Nope, I was there. This rocket scientist did put a hot tub in his house by enclosing it and removing the old door that let you outside. Sooooo....the moisture just stayed inside. It was nasty.

he had also bolted a full size 3-way traffic light near his garage door.

I fired the real estate agent for taking me to stupid places.

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My parents used to have one in their bathroom. I think I used it more than anyone. Back when I did construction I would come home and relax in it, made the next day of work a lot easier since I wasn't as sore, and made sleeping that night great as well. They ended up getting rid of it though because it didn't get used that much.

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