Have you ever seen this show?


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No, actually there are a few of these high-pressure, go-go, outdoor shows on already. That's just not the frame of mind that I want when involved in outdoor activities or viewing them on TV. It's just a little too frenzied and wacked out for my tastes.


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Yes, the show is geared toward the younger crowd with the music and young personalities. It IS different.

I like the intensity he brings to archery shooting and the constant challenging of his skills. Shootin' skeet with a bow, the man does it with ease. Check out the vids.

Chris Brackett is a bit of a cowboy...but Hey...ain't we all:D.

We all know Howard Hill was a bit of a joke cracker and wise guy, maybe Brackett is the modern Howard Hill, skill wise.

I'd love to see a guy like Byron Ferguson shoot with him and maybe even Dwight Shuh for a complete opposite end of the spectrum. Shuh needs to be checked for a pulse, what a personality! NOT. So putting him on a show that shoots to heavy metal would be entertaining.:p

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