Furthest Deer Drag


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the land i hunt on, the landowner owns a tractor with a bucket on it... he has paths running through his woods, so normally it isn't far... never more than 50 or 60 yards... however, one of the deer i shot went on a neighbors property and through very, very, thick brush... we couldn't drag the deer through it so we went around, it was probably over 300 yards by the time we were done, still not very much, but that would have to be the most...

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Some of the places I hunt are miles from the nearest road and dragging a deer many miles is a fact of life. Four years ago I bought a game cart and have changed my hunting strategy so that I try to hunt where I can use the game cart because of a bad back. The longest drag that I can remember started at a little before 9:00 AM and ended at 11:30 PM and covered a distance of approximately 8 miles. The distance was calculated by looking at a TOPO map. That particular buck had a dressed weight of over 240 lbs. and as I recall, the last couple of miles of that drag was mostly a matter of will power. Sure wish I owned a pack horse.

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When I hunted in GA (and was younger) it was from my stand, down the trail into the river to the other side, up another trail, across the next bend in the same river and then basically up the mountain. It was a great place that backed into Paulding WMA but we lost the club when a country signer bought the property and put her mcMansion on it. So, drag was 1 mile!:eek: Ah, to be young again and hunting the old Raccoon Hunting Club property again. Well, at least I have memories.

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Longest was probably my first, about 300 yards maybe. Maybe a little more, don't really remember.

Heck, I was 13 days shy of my 26th birthday so it wasn't that big of a deal back then. That might kill me now. :D

Dragged a doe I shot this year about 100 yards up a pretty good hill. Thought I was going to die on that one. :D

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Somewhere between 1.5 and 2 miles. I had help though, and I was a whole lot younger then.

However, this year I had to drag a good size doe the entire length of my property which is almost 5000'. And this time I was by myself. The good news.....there was about 4" of snow for the critter to slide on, and at least half of the drag was down hill. The bad news...... when walking down a steep snow covered hill dragging a deer, there is occasionally a situation where they will take off like a tobaggan and smack you right in the back of your feet knocking them right out from under you. Even worse news.......This can happen so many times that you are soon raving and cussing in anger like a mad-man. However, it can get even worse. Many years ago, I had the same scenario on the hill across the road. I do remember going by another hunter who was on stand and bent over completely out of control with laughter as I got knocked on my butt 3 times before getting out of sight. Even after I was out of sight, I could still hear him laughing.


Edited by Doc
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Furthest was probably a buck I killed in 2003 and was probably only about 250-300 yards, but it felt like it was a lot further than that. Had surgery a few months earlier and think I was still not supposed to be doing any serious heavy lifting. The deer died in some pretty thick brush, was a 3.5 year old buck that was probably close to if not over 200 lbs too.

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The longest that comes to mind is last year at the end of muzzleloader season. I was back in this cut corn filed, and the ground was like a bog. There were several inches of wet snow on top of mud. No truck, no cart. Called the buddy with the ATV...he was on a date with his wife. If you recall the story, I had just shot 3 deer in 8 minutes. I had a climbing stand, a heavy coat, a muzzleloader, my backpack. I dragged all three deer to one point and laid them on their backs side by side by side. That was a total of 150 yards of dragging just to get them all in one place. (80+20+50). Then I dressed them all out. I carried all my gear about 100 yards and set it down. I dragged the biggest deer 150 yards. I went back and got the two smaller ones and dragged them 200 yards. Went back and got the gear, another 150 yards. Then the big one, 100 yards, then the smaller two, 100 yards. So on and so forth until I had moved all three loads the 700 yards to the truck, plus the original 150 to get them together. Took about 3.5 hours all told. I was tired. I did not hunt any more deer that year.


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longest drag

When we first started hunting southern ohio 14 years ago we had to drag about 1/2 mile. First part of drag was up a hill, the rest down. We quickly got a lot smarter and tried the lawnmower--couldnt handle the hill with a deer and us riding. We finally broke down and bought an atv--best money ever

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3.6 Miles---------It sucked bet well worth it------Public land dues haha------ he grossed 162------- Helps with a good friend that owes you a favor, he didnt have a clue when I said "Bring your deer cart we got a little bit of a drag ahead of us" Half way in that night he was gettin a little disturbed 3 hours later and several what the hecks and dad gummets we got it done, the brute weighed a lil over 220. GOT TO GO WHERE THEY LIVE!!!!! I LOVE IT AND HOPE TO DO IT AGAIN HERE IN THE NEXT WEEK!!!!

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Me and ccwhitey had to drag his best buck ever about 300-400 yds. It was a funny sight to tell you the truth. We were both so pumped about the deer that we took off.... rather fast... with his dad and brother jogging to keep up with us. We didn't make it 50 yards before we were sucking wind and had to slow down and take a break!!

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