If you were a judge sentencing poachers?


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I recently read a post about some Iowans poaching a whole bunch of big bucks. If you were a judge sentencing these guys what would the sentence be. To me there is alot of worse things going on, such as drugs, stealing, and murders. Depending on how their rap sheet looked. If this was their first offense I would probably make them pick up trash along the roads for a couple of years, and fine them a couple of grand. What would you do if you were the judge?

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

For that many deer killed solely for the racks, and most of teh meat left to rot i would give them lifetime hunting bans, confiscate their trucks, guns, atv's (anything used in the poaching or transporting of teh deer), and make them volunteer 500 hours with their local food banks(so they can see where that meat could have gone) and habitat conservation projects. This is not just some guys who poached one big buck, or shoe some deer for the meat, they killed dozens of bucks only for antlers.

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?


Only problem I see with "hunting bans / no licences" is that these guys are poachers. It won't slow them down anyway.

The law is only for honest people, and these characters don't appear to be that!

[/ QUOTE ] I agree.

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

$100,000 fine per animal for each person. I would revoke their hunting priveleges for a minimum of 10 years, nd their driver's licenses for a year. The guns and vehicle s used would be auctioned off and the proceeds would go to the DNR to help protect the wildlife. That should get any poachers attention. A little harsh maybe, but I think that it fits the crime.


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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

if tghey were caught shooting bucks or does and poaching them out of season or just because the first hing i would do is suspend their license to hunt for ta lifetime and confiscate the weapons of each of the participants and the vehicle or vehicles of the offenders and fine them 2500 each for the deer they were caught with or if they couldn't make the fine i woould have them if first time felons do 1 year in jail. if after i made sure they lost their license if they did it again with suspended license it would be a mandatory 10 year sentence. also if it was kid doing what his dad or brother did because they did it there would be community sentence and he would have to help the wardens and rangers in doing the things the wildlife department must do each year trying to make sure there is no poaching and suspend their license until 21 years of age and then before they are given a new license they would have to go thru a hutners ed course again. if they poached again then it would be all over and they would never have a privalidge of hunting again.

it's been many years ago but i was out hunting with a friend and watche da guy come in in a truck just before dark and i watched him shoot 5 does and just drive off and i called the police and game rangers and they came out to sit and wait for the guy to come and pick them upbut i had his license nhumber i was in a tree not 50 yards away and this was bowhunting only area. when i gave them his lisense the knew the guy as he had been in troouble before he got 5 years in medium prison and was banned form hunting lost his guns and truck. i was glad to see it. i am not above the law why should they be

just my opinion

rob k

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

If I were the judge, they would receive the max punishment allowable by law for their crime. This would be confiscation of what ever was possible, forfeiture of future hunting rights, jail time, and fine.

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

This has been a serious problem in Iowa over the past few years and these criminals are probably not the only ones involved in this kind of a crime. A buddy of mine lives in SE Iowa and from what he saw and other landowners told him there were about 100 carcasses found within sight of roads with their heads cut off and the rest left to rot during the 2003 -04 season. They were targeting only big mature bucks. Why? Because it was believed they were selling the racks to collectors through a 3rd party. My buddy organized a coalition of hunters to raise $ to put out a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of these criminals. I contributed to it along with a lot of other hunters both resident and non resident and the total he raised was $10,000. We didn’t get any takers last year so we bought the local game warden a mechanical decoy and he bagged some scumbags with it this past year. We posted the reward again right before the season started this year but we believe the scumbags chose to move their operation away from where they were working the roads last year because the number of carcasses found this year dramatically dropped in his county. I don’t know yet if these scumbags were the same ones involved in performing these criminal acts in the area where he lived yet but I know he’ll let me know if they were.

smo, I don’t know if you are aware of it but the state of Iowa revised the fines last year for this type of crime. In addition to other penalties these fine was changed to be based on the Boone & Crockett scoring system. This is what it says:

The Boone and Crockett club's point score and the

corresponding damages payable are as follows:

1. Less than 100 points: $2,000 and 80 hours of community

service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of


2. 100=125 points: $4,000 and 80 hours of community

service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of


3. 126=150 points: $6,000 and 80 hours of community

service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of


4. 151=170 points: $8,000 and 80 hours of community

service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of


5. More than 170 points: A minimum of $10,000 or such

additional amount as is deemed reasonable in the discretion of

the court and 80 hours of community service or, in lieu of the

community service, a minimum of $20,000 or such additional

amount as is deemed reasonable in the discretion of the court.

With 49 counts against them, I say throw the book at them and make an example of them to deter other scumbags from thinking they can continue to get away with this kind of crime.

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

Ignorance is no excuse for what those in Iowa did. First time offense for illegally killing some 50 deer.

Have to agree with what AJ says here.


If I were the judge, they would receive the max punishment allowable by law for their crime. This would be confiscation of what ever was possible, forfeiture of future hunting rights, jail time, and fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?


If I were the judge, they would receive the max punishment allowable by law for their crime. This would be confiscation of what ever was possible, forfeiture of future hunting rights, jail time, and fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 100 %

Never be able to hunt.ever mad.gifmad.gif


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Re: If you were a judge sentencing poachers?

I don't know what the answer is to poaching, but if you get to harsh you might make a bigger monster than you've already got. Besides its not like whitetails are an endangered species. Its just that it has gotten to be such a money racket. I'm afraid one of these days, that if you've not got plenty of money or land the only hunting that the average citizen will be doing is on public land. How many of you would like to take your kids or grand kids on public land with all the crazy's.

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