Temper, Temper


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Was just sitting her having a cup of VT Green Mountain Roasters coffee, chit chatting in chat when I hear a loud bang.

I look out the window and there the plow truck going up the road with my NEW mailbox ... :eek::eek::mad::mad::mad::mad:

He didn't even stop, I had to retrieve what was left .. but I knew he had to make a return trip ... :D:D MORON .. He even tried to deny he did it .. :mad: .. even tho I knew different .. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Guess, who lost their temper ?? Yup, I did ... man to man, and he's now buying me a new custom mailbox ... he even tried to pawn off a lousy black tin one off on me .. NOT HAPPENING.. :mad::mad:

I know accidents happen, but to flat out deny it and say it was like that before he came through just burns me up ,, not to mention all of the bad luck I've been having this year .. Here's what the fool did ....




OK, rant over ... :D;)

Edited by VermontHunter
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How in the heck did he even hit your box Luke? Looks like it is set back off the road farther than the other one in the next drive up. Kind of surprised anyone would be plowing for that little of snow too.:confused:

On the anger management, ummm ah well bet there are probably maybe a few of us who probably at times let our tempers get to us.:o Think under certain circumstances like yours it is understandable.;)

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William .. I made double sure I was at least a good couple feet farther back than the rest and I even had the postal service come out and check to make sure it was good .. This is what really angers me .. I have NO clue as to what this guy was doing with the wing down ... :confused::confused:

All I know is this is one expensive mail box and I'm not eating eat .. The Town Manager just left here to order me a new one and the set me up a temp. box to use until it arrives ..

Already did the Anger management thing,, otherwise this could have really gotten' ugly .. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

enough is enough already ... where's 2009 at ?? I'm ready .. :o

Edited by VermontHunter
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They got mine last year, nothing a roll of Duct tape can't fix! :D

Cheer up bud, 2009 is almost here! ;):)

A 1000 and 1 uses Randy but I don't think that's one of them .. :D:D

hey luke. was snugglebunny driving the snow plow....??? lol

Just might be the case Steve, we were giving her or should I say it a prety hard time ... :D;)

Still haven't quite figured out what the heck that driver was thinking ,, if at all .. :rolleyes:

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