Am I in the doghouse or not??


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Just ordered my directionally challenged wife a Garmin nuvi 760 for Christmas as an additional gift. Its not her only gift, but the big one. She has never really said she wanted it, but has made comments that they are pretty cool. I also got her some jewelry and crap, so its not the only thing she will open.

Am I dead meat?? :confused:

If she doesn't like it, it will be in the classifieds here on Dec 26th.

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Considered getting one for my wife Ken, the gps navigation system was about the only option her new durango did not have. Let us know how it goes over.:p:D

Check the classifieds her on Dec 26th.. maybe you'll get a deal on one!

Seriously though, I found it at for $246.00. Everywhere else seemed much higher, although came close, Walmart was cheaper. Again, it is the Garmin nuvi 760 version

Edited by Swamphunter
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Got one for my wife for her birthday. I was in the doghouse until she used it. Then she LOVED IT!

She's in Real estate so no more calling the office or home to get mapquest directions.

Word of advice. Install the software that comes with it. Hook it up to the computer and update it before you use it. Life will be better. ;)

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Sometimes women don't know what they need and must be told.

Having dated several girls, I can honestly say you just stuck one foot in your mouth and shot yourself in the other! :D:D:D Jk...still...consider your choice of words there before Andrea, Ruth or any of the other ladies here get on your case! :D:D:D;)

Dakota :)

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My girlfriend asked for one this year too...i think it is so funny how women in general have so many problems with directions....its either that or us guys just have a problem with saying "i'm lost and don't know how to get there":D

I opted out of buying one for her for one reason....It really really stinks getting out of bed and freezing my goodies off when i have to go outside and start her car for her when the temp is hovering around i am goin with an automatic start key....its a win win gift:D:D:D

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Just ordered my directionally challenged wife a Garmin nuvi 760 for Christmas.......I also got her some jewelry and crap

Am I dead meat?? :confused:

If she doesn't like it, it will be in the classifieds here on Dec 26th.

Yep...Start learning how to fold those sheets:p

The GPS Navi is good to Go...but your other decisions have me more than slightly concerned...Did you bump your head...are you OK??? :confused:

You should have just got her more Jewelry and not gone for the package deal..with the Crap included:D

I would'nt try to sell that Crap in the classifieds either if she does'nt like me if you even attempt to give her that you wont be around to post in the Classifieds:eek::D

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