Opinions on brace height.

Guest paulst560

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Guest paulst560

I have noticed that the new speed bows by most companies have a 6" brace height. My big concern is having the bow string hit my sleeve even with and arm guard to compress my jacket. I would like to know if anyone has encounted any issues with a short brace height bow and would share their experience. I am not woried about accuracy, I consider myself a very good shot out to 60 yards. Currently using a bowtech allegence with 7 1/4" brace. Thanks everyone.

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Guest paulst560

Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the input everyone. I have only owned one short brace height bow, a hoyt supertec. For some reason I thought I was a 30" draw at the time not 29" and slapped my wrist from time to time. Never had it out in the field, was for 3d archery tournaments. So I don't have that practical hunting experience with a short brace bow. Your input has been very helpful. My bowtech has been a great bow and I admit to being a bit of a speed freak, so you all can understand the appeal of the new Mathews monster and the PSE X-Force series. Once again, thanks.

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You shoot a short brace height, you'd better have a good follow through. I shot a 6 1/4" brace bows for the last 9 years, I didn't think I'd ever find a bow that as good as them and finally bit the bullet and upgraded this season to a Cardiac 07 with the 7 1/2" brace. Wow do they shoot good, I had to use the RT arm sleeve with my 6 1/2" brace height with heavy clothing, don't have to with my new bows. Shoot a shorter brace height and see if you like it.

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