Texas 8 YO Kids bags 10 point Buck


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My Dentist told me this story yesterday Its so cool i am submitting it to a major Bow magazine.


last year I was instrumental in getting Texas parks & Wildlife to remove the 40# bow weight limit for deer 7 turkey.

I got in deep trouble with the State Bowhunters Ass.

The move would let many woman many youths and some older folks plus a few wounded warriors bow hunt with bows lighter that 40#. I told people that parent not the State should determien when junior or Missy could bowhunt deer.


Dr carpenter 8 year odl grand son wanted to bowhutn deer real bad.

dad got hima nice compound bow about 30# and soem sharp single balde broadheds and the kid was deadly at 15 yards.

Dad worked out a plan to COVER SHOOT the same time so if Junior made a bad shot Dad could cover for him.

Last weeked they waiuted a a big 8 point buck came into range.

Junior aimed and shot and Dad shot therafter ina 1/200 of a second

Buck was mortally hit runfs 50/ 60 yards and dies quick.

After the High five & Congrats & Hugs Dad tells junior to go get his arrow.

One arrow was deer in behind the shoulder, and one arrow sliced the bucks brisket and Missed.

Dad telld Junior to go get Junior's arrow.

Junior walks up to Dad and hands him Dad arrow with a Mechanical broadhead.

Dad this ain't my arrow ssy junior..

Dad then grabs the arrow in the deer which had broken off and pulls it out

Its Juniors Single blade Broadhead.!!!!!!!

Junior had deadly hit & killed the big Buck and his Dad had missed and sliced him.

Dads excuse was a loose sight pin!

With the 30# Bow the buck went less than 60 yards.!!!:D

story by Tink

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