What bows are you currently hunting with?

Guest paulst560

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Guest paulst560

Just curious if any of the realtree staff are hunting with the new line of Mathews bows and there opinions on them. Does the short brace height of the Monster present any problems for all of you? Thanks.

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I believe Mathews dropped the RT camo on it's bows for the Lost Camo ,, hence the RTProStaff switched to Hoyts and Bowtechs .. Hope I'm correct on this one .. ;)

You are correct. Although from what I read on the Mathews forums the new Mathews "McPherson" Monster is in Realtree AP.;) Not sure if this means any of them are going back, I doubt it. Bill and Michael are shooting Hoyt (or at least Bill was last year), and David shoots bowtech (again, he was last year). Not quite sure what Bill and David are shooting now, I think there has been some questions about someone shooting Bear bows. I think they have it listed as a sponsor on a TV show or something.:confused: Don't quote me on this though :D

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Here is what I can remember from videos or read in a mag.

Of course it could and probably will change some this year ;)

Randy O. shoots Matthews.

Tim shoots Hoyt

David Blanton and his boys shoot Bowtech.

Bill and Tyler shot hoyts.

Michael Waddell shoots Hoyts

T-bone shoots a Hoyts

Ralph and Vicki shoot Hoyts

Bill Winke shoots hoyt

Don and Kandi Kisky shoot Matthews.

Jesse and Ginger Morehead shoot Matthews.

Jackie Caudle shoots Matthews.

Tom Miranda shoots Matthews.

Kyle Wieter shoots the G5.

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