I'm short an arrow....


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It's all my fault! Started out the evening at my new hot spot at camp in a bad way. I got settled, pulled my bow back to make sure I could swing and get the shots I had, thought I could pull my mask down a little without letting down, did it and barely bumped the trigger andh eard my arrow hitting the twigs out in front of me. I have a general idea of where it went, but didn't go looking as I didn't want to disturbed the area. So my heart sank and I felt so dumb...I learned my lesson...still feel dumb:o

Well guess what? 45 minutes later I hear a deer coming up through the pines to my right and out pops a little doe, I mean little, not even 10 feet from me!!!!!!! All I could do was watch, she stopped and heard me fiddling with my release and ran back in the woods. I couldn't swing my bow around because I was facing towards the left and I had a big stump that I was using to block me. Ah well....it was still exciting! And after I lost my arrow, saw some muzzeloader guy walk through out on the old overgrown horse track, he wwas just walking. Then shortly after had a red fox come through to my right, same spot the doe later came through. so after the doe ran off, I waited, then got up and made a quick new blind on the other side of the trail, that way I have a shot at where the deer were the night before, and won't be so close if they come out of the pines....I need my own climber stand:rolleyes:

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Don't feel bad....almost the same darn thing happened to me 2 years ago...i was up in my climber,about to get down, when i notice a large leaf that had "target practice" written all over it..I had an arrow with a field tip on it just for this case, and i went to draw back, and about half way through my draw i must have tweaked the release i sent my arrow flying into an enbankment about 40 yds away....talk about feeling stupid....i just laughed at myself...what else can you do:D

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Yep! Don't feel bad TG, I average losing one a year since I use a hip quiver. I sometimes hang it around my neck when I'm on my 4-wheeler and of course a branch will knock one out. Just lost a brand new arrow this year in Ohio. I've lost them too with the quiver on my hip while walking through thick stuff. Funny, when I gun hunted I never lost any bullets! LOL

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Well I already have 2 borken arrows on the year from deer (I got the deer)....glad my Bemans aren't the horribly expensive kind....but still. I can probably find it, maybe this week during the thaw we are getting.

Going back tonight to see if I can close the deal...hunting from the ground is tough...worth it but tough..

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Yea, climbers are great!

I shot a practice arrow at a leaf at the edge of a unharvested corn field. 30 minutes later here comes the combine.:eek:

Well all I could do was watch (luckily the combine missed the arrow by inches). I didn't care so much about the arrow, but didn't want the farmer who gave me permission to hunt to get upset about it.

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Safeting the Release


When you draw always safety the release by pushing trigger forward with your finger

never put yoru finger in front of the trigger till yoru pin is on the target

hips quivers are bad news IMHO you Can loose arrow and flag game with them

Fred Bear invented the bow quiver and over 905 of successful hunters use bow quivers

Also if you wrap your arrow with reflective wrap you can find them after dark with a flashlight

Vanes stick better to wraps as well


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I like to draw my bow a couple of times after I get set in my stand especially on cold days. This helps me to make sure everything is working right when it gets below 15-20 degrees. Well I was going through my checks and drew my bow back and the next thing I knew I sent an arrow out about fifty yards into the cattail swamp. I must of bumped my release with my gloves on. Nock another arrow, sit down and thank god nobody saw me do that.

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hips quivers are bad news IMHO you Can loose arrow and flag game with them


They can be even worse than bad news. Many years ago while busting through some brush and weeds, I had an arrow hook up on a shrub and pinwheel forward, landing with the nock to the ground and the broadhead hanging up on some branches, just about knee high. Had things happened just a bit different and I had not noticed that thing right in front of me, or if my forward motion had been such that I hadn't been able to stop in time, I would have been wearing that arrow through my leg. With a 1.5 mile walk back to the house, I'm not too sure just whatthe final result would have been.

I kind of got cold shivers up and down my back when I read about how straight shooter hangs his hip quiver around his neck when he's on his ATV and then talks about how branches and stuff are knocking the arrows out of the quiver. Yikes!!!! every so often, we should review just how an arrow kills deer.........by hemorrhaging!!!!


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