Staff Member: Kim Standiford - Montana Muley Down!


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This was written by our Staff Member Kim Standiford


Here are pictures of my first Montana Mule Deer, it's a 5 by 5 and you will notice that he had just started to shed the velvet from his antlers.

I shot him at 60 yards - I don't normally shoot that far, good thing I was practicing at 50 yards during lunch, back at camp. We had watched this deer bed down earlier in the morning from the mountain while glassing the fields. The land sure looks different on the low ground once you come down off the mountain. It took us a bit to find the right coulee to stalk. Good thing Scott had filmed the area from up on the mountain and we could stop the camera look around, rewind and look some more.

My guide (Mark) finally spotted him feeding. All three of us were able to get about 120 yards from him, however Mark told Scott that he would need to hang back (easier to get close with 2 people instead of 3). At 80 yards, my guide told me I was going to have to go the rest of the way by myself. I was very nervous; earlier in the week I got within 33 yards before 2 "cranker" bucks could not take it any longer and bouced from their beds. I made it another 20 yards to the ONLY stinkin bush that I could hide behind. I crouched down behind this bush/tree and used my "Nikon" range finder, with my heat pounding. I knew that if I didn't at least take a shot I would really be kicking myself! Once I had somewhat steadied my breathing, I stood up, pulled back and quickly put my 50 yard pin on the top of his back and let the arrow fly. He bucked, turned to run - I could see the arrow in him - YES!!!!

We did not get it on film, Mark kept telling Scott to "Get Down", he didn't want to chance spooking the deer. So Scott laid on his back arms out wide and rested. Scott later told me that he heard when I released and a few moments later he heard the hit. The Deer ran about 250 yards and expired. I hit him in the liver. Big grin.gif

Between Montana and Canada I got t o see lots of animals; coyotes, moose, geese, ducks and some of the biggest Whitetail and Muledeer I have EVER seen. I wasn't able to close the deal on a Bull Elk in Montana or a Whitetail in Canada. However Scott does have some footage of the Monster Canadian whitetail buck that came with-in 20-yards of the hay bail blind we sat in. I attempted to draw my bow, planning to let it fly, but because I had not positioned myself properly (I was on my knees) I was not able to stay square, draw my bow and anchor my thumb behind my ear. As I attempted to draw my bow it just didn't feel right , not to mention my arrow fell off the rest. He haunts me in my dreams, that's how big he was!

After watching the footage, our friend Brian said that the encounter, having the arrow come off the arrow rest, and post reaction (tons of tears) would make a great commercial for the Wisker Bisquit (arrow rest).

I need to run, it's getting late. Scott has been loading the footage from the trip into the computer and will be working on compiling a DVD of our trip.

Take care, and shoot straight - It is Hunting Season,

Kimberly Standiford



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