Hacienda Ranch Fun


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For those of you who haven't seen it yet here is a short Video from Dove Jam 08 with the folks from DeerTexas.com

We have Kelly Garmon with Hawglite to thank for the commentary on the video and helping push the birds toward the other folks.

DeerTexas.com Dove Jam 08 Video - 19mb - High Resolution

DeerTexas.com Dove Jam 08 Video - 10mb - Low Resolution

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Well it's always great to end a short road trip with this in front of you letting you know that you have reached a hunter's paradise.


It didn't take long for the girls to meet up once again and let the game of "tag" begin to take place around the ranch.


Oh yeah, I forgot I was supposed to be here on official business until I seen this thing taking up my parking spot.


Well once I put my things inside the mansion, I came outside to find the guys watching Outdoors Writer Kevin Reese warming up on the targets getting ready for the evening hunt.


Kevin showed not only is he good with a keyboard, but he could hold his own on the target a well.


As Kevin was shooting, Abel began checking his Camera gear getting things set up for the night hunt.


John Germer was able to beat us down here today and had a heck of a morning and afternoon hunt!! He couldn't wait for the VIDEOGRAPHER to show up, as he had the pre-game jitters!!


John with his morning hog, a lean 245lbs.


John was able to begin his Texas Slam with this awesome Texas Dall


.........let the night hunts begin...................

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As we were getting ready for the evening hunt, Brad brought out some Hacienda Snacks for us to help give us a little good luck food before we sat out.


The rugrats decided to be our taste testers to make sure it was ok to eat.


Before we took off for the evening hunts, Brad decided he wanted to stay back and cook dinner for everyone. Here is how Brad lights a fire!!

The last thing I heard was "Hold my beer and watch this"


The result (notice how quick he dissapears out of the frame of the camera)


With Brad cooking the real person who runs the Hacienda Ranch took the oppertunity to gear up and hit her stand for some whitetail action as well!


John was able to drop a hog utilizing the Marauder last night. The hog weighed just over 60lbs.

Here is a roughcut of the video for those of you who are anxious to see.

Video: John Germer - Marauder Night Field Trials - 13mb

Later on this week, we will have the final video up, and we will remove this roughcut version.

Once we came in from hunting dinner was being served. The lead Ranch hand Courtney even blessed us with her presence and guided Brad on how to properly prepare the food to serve.


One thing that I love about the Hacienda is that when your a guest here you can let them pick the menu, or you can pick the menu. I gave my complements to the chef after last weekend, and asked for the Quail and Venison Wrapped Shiskabobs once again!!!


Conversations, but more Laughter than talking filled dinner time with jokes provided John.


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I was awoken this morning to laughter downstairs. Armando was telling us what happened with his morning Oryx hunt. Has anyone ever left their arrows back at the lodge and didn't notice it until you have an Oryx standing 12yds away?


Being the food guy that I am, there is no way I'm going to miss the most important meal of the day!!


After a quick bite to eat, it was time to check email, and give updates to everyone for each of us. We somehow turned the bar area into our internet cafe!!


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After breakfast was done we took some time to relax outside and talk. The kids decided to challenge each others driving skills in the Bad Boy Buggie.


After they finished their driving challenge we gave them the choice to choose between Old Fashioned Horseshoes, or the "new version".

You can tell what the kids chose.


Instead of the new version of horse shoes, others chose to take out the Bad Boy Buggie and go on their own little Photo Safari. They were able to find a small group of rams who were fighting, a fallow, some whitetails, axis, and even a Red Stag Cow, but they couldn't get good photo's of them. Below are some of the viewable photo's taken by the children

Ram's Fighting




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The Sportsman's Challenge consisted of 10 shooters, 3 of which asked to not have pictures taken of them biggrin.gif

The Challenge is 12 shots each from 4 stations. Each shot hits the targets scores 1pt for that shot. The target is a 2" circle placed on each larger target. Each of the 4 stations are shown below.

We started off at the Pistol Range.


(someone decided to show off their toy)




SkeetRange (clays come from 5 different angles!!!)



Archery - Elevated Platform


With a total score of 42 your winner is..............

Some guy who shoots skeet from the hip!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Evening Hunt had 2 groups w/video cameras take to the ranch in search of some more great video & meat for the table.

Outdoor Writer Kevin Reese was able to finish off another sausage maker.


The Sportsman's Challenge winner was able to somehow talk this Fallow into submission.


Wait.....Wait......let's get him from his "Good Side"....the hunter that is...


As you can tell words and pictures just don't do this place justice. It is definately a must see, and a must do for all you folks that have the infamous "Bucket List".

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That's a nice fallow!

Looks like a top notch place.

I've never had them there but venison poppers and quail are definitely a favorite meal for me! Got a friend here who makes those venison poppers and vacuum packs them. They are awesome!

South Texas hunting is fabulous fun.

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