How close can you get to a running deer????


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There I was this evening, sitting in my Double Bull T2 blind in the woods on my property. At 4:40pm a doe went running off to my right and straight ahead and she was gone in a few seconds as I was just getting to enjoy that all of a sudden 2 more does came running by. One came from behind my blind and took a 90 degree turn right in front of mt about 3 feet in front of the blind! I did not see what pushed them but I did get a kick out of it and was very happy the deer did not crash into me as I sat in the blind!!:eek:

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I was sitting in a gate opening that was just open enough for me to fit. After someone else blew a does back leg off she couldn't jump the fence and ran straight at me. I dropped her at twenty yards.

Another time I was also sitting in a gate opening but in a blind and it started raining and wind blowing hard so I shut the windows to keep from getting drenched. After a couple minutes I heard something run by and brush against the blind. After another couple minutes the rain and wind stopped. I looked out the window and could see deer tracks right next to the blind.

My brother has been kicked by a deer that was down but trying to run.

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when i was younger my dad and me decided to hunt on the ground one season posted up nest to a big oak. We had does about 10 yards from us and a spike about 5 yards and boy did he ever stare us down. After a few minutes he troted off right out in front of us. Being that young i was so scared he was gonna come after me.

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I had it happen once last year. I was out dove hunting in the fall. I have a dog that loves running willy nilly through the standing corn so I was walking a narrow grassy lane between a line of trees and corn field and shooting at the doves that the dog would flush out of the corn field. The dog got out of hearing distance for a couple minutes when I hear the sound of something running through the dry corn stalks toward me. As it came closer, I realized that it was much too big to be the dog. Next thing I know this 6 point buck busts out of the cornfield about 10 feet away from me and he was at a dead run. I only saw him for a brief second as he crossed the grassy path that I was standing on and then ran through the line of trees. That would have REALLY hurt if had actually barrelled into me.

Fortunately my dog has no interest in running deer so after she jumped the deer, she just kept doing her thing in the corn field.

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A guy i knew in Ohio was walking up a deer trail through some thick brush, he heard a noise ahead of him and looked up to see a huge doe about 5 feet from him running down the same trail as him. Yep he was to slow and she was too fast and they hit, she crashed into him and sent him over her back and onto the ground:eek:

He had to go to the hospital with broken ribs and bruised parts;) Never heard of that before.

I had a wounded doe run past me at about 2 steps once, so close i almost had blood spray on my foot.

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I was sitting against the base of a tree in full camo and scent free first day of season - no pressure yet. A doe and her fawn were grazing along the edge of the field toward me. Doe was about 10 feet out and never knew I was there. Fawn sniffed me knee and then my face - then continued on. Talk about increasing the pulse.

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Old guy I used to teach hunter ed. with once got flat run over by a doe. Walking back from his pole barn in the dark and got smashed sideways by a doe running at full speed. Said it felt like he got hit by a linebacker with a full head of steam. Personally I have had them directly underneath my stand, and on the ground within about 8 feet. My first buck was like that. Probably could have taken him with a knife.


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Shot my first buck at 20 feet from the ground. I have had does close enough to touch several times. The only problem is when they are that close usualy your stuck with no shot..LOL

The one time I was realy close I was laying in some high grass this big doe walked by within feet. It was cold out and I could see ice on her wiskers highlighted by the sunrise. I sure wish I had a camera in my hand at that moment. She was maybe 2-3 feet from me browsing along. It made my day!

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A couple years ago I had a doe come running right at me. I thought it would be fun to see how close she would come but I got nervous at the last second and raised my gun to deflect her. She turned at the last second. I could have touched her with the barrel.

My cousin Tom however did have a small buck lick the barrel of his gun during turkey season. True story!

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Not many believe this story, but here it is and it is NOT an exageration. Many of my friends tell me I should send it in to a hunting magazine. I'm not proud of my being

il-prepared, but it is unique. I'll present the shorter version below:

In 2000 I shot a deer (7-point) and hit it low (the front leg). The deer ran into a draw and layed down. I thought it was dead and walked down to take pictures. The deer jumped and ran off. As it ran I used my last 3 shotgun slugs and missed all three times.

With the help of my dad (also out of shells) we tracked it in the snow (decent blood trail) and it kept running ahaead of us. I circled around and got in front of it. As my dad walked up to the wounded deer it again jumped and ran towards me. I took off running after it and jumped in front of it. The buck lowered his head and got ready to charge me. I got my knife out and prepared for battle.

As I inched closer, the deer charged and knocked me back about 3 feet. It continued to gore me as I stabbed it in the neck and finally got it into a head lock and flipped him on his side. About that time my dad showed up and jumped on it and knifed it in the lung ending the battle.

I have some pictures, but I'd have to scan them because I didn't have a digital camera back then.

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Not many believe this story, but here it is and it is NOT an exageration. Many of my friends tell me I should send it in to a hunting magazine. I'm not proud of my being

il-prepared, but it is unique. I'll present the shorter version below:

In 2000 I shot a deer (7-point) and hit it low (the front leg). The deer ran into a draw and layed down. I thought it was dead and walked down to take pictures. The deer jumped and ran off. As it ran I used my last 3 shotgun slugs and missed all three times.

With the help of my dad (also out of shells) we tracked it in the snow (decent blood trail) and it kept running ahaead of us. I circled around and got in front of it. As my dad walked up to the wounded deer it again jumped and ran towards me. I took off running after it and jumped in front of it. The buck lowered his head and got ready to charge me. I got my knife out and prepared for battle.

As I inched closer, the deer charged and knocked me back about 3 feet. It continued to gore me as I stabbed it in the neck and finally got it into a head lock and flipped him on his side. About that time my dad showed up and jumped on it and knifed it in the lung ending the battle.

I have some pictures, but I'd have to scan them because I didn't have a digital camera back then.

I think we should all start calling you Rambo :D

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