Video: 1st Deer w/Bow


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My daughter wrote this story


This trip started out as soon as I got out of School on Friday. It was a 3 hour ride in the truck to get to Tink’s Ranch from my school. We didn’t have time to stop at the Bass Pro Shop as dad said Christmas broke us this year, but he did let me eat at the Chick-fil-A near there. On the way there we only saw a few deer alongside the highway. Upon our arrival to Tink’s I helped my dad setup the Double Bull blind in the dark so we would be ready for the morning hunt. I watched Hunting Shows with Tink until my dad made me go to sleep.

Dad woke me up at 545am on Saturday morning. It was such a cold morning that I had 3 layers of clothes on, plus a coat. We settled into the blind and waited. Before the sun came up we had deer that came in. As the sun came up they kept staring at us in the blind, then ran off and we never seen them the rest of the morning. We left the blind about 10am and headed to the house for breakfast.

I took a nap, then dad woke me up and took us to the Camp Verde General store for all the food that I could eat. I was able to sit on Santa’s lap and take pictures, and Carol my friend did as well. After that fun trip we went home and all of us took a nap once again! When we woke up, we started the night hunt.


This time was going to be different though. Instead of me sitting with my dad in a ground blind, I was by myself in a tripod. I was a little nervous as I have always had my dad by my side to talk to me and explain what the animals were doing, when it was safe to draw, and everything else. Pretty much the whole time I was silent and was not moving. Before the sun came down deer began to work into my view. There was a spike that was pretty calm, but not the Does. The Does kept running away and looking up so it was hard for me to keep still. I finally took a shot at one of the Spikes.

As Dad had taught me, I remained quiet without moving. My heart was going fast, but I know from watching my dad I had to control my breathing so we wouldn’t alert the other deer that were around in case I got a 2nd shot on another one. Dad waited for what seemed like forever before he came and got me out of the stand. We went back to the Tink’s House, and we watched the video over and over seeing my shot. Once it was confirmed that I did get a hit, we got the Tink’s Starlight Bloodhound.

After Tink showed us how to mix it together, we went back down there and began spraying it all over the ground. Caroline (who is a model from Austin) was the first person to spot something glowing. My dad immediately came over to where she was at, and sprayed some more of it. A small area of grass near the fence completely lit up. My dad said that this was where he jumped over the fence, so we all crossed the fence, and began spraying the other side of the fence to find the blood trail. We were able to find the blood trail on the other side of the fence but lost it when we ran out of our 2nd bottle of Tink’s Starlight Bloodhound. Dad stopped the search and we came back in the house.

The next morning AJ Minns and his dog Triton showed up to help find the deer. It took about an hour and a half, but they were able to find the deer. When I asked my dad if the meat was bad, he said no that it was cold enough for the meat to not expire. Then he told me that since the meat didn’t spoil I was able to “bring meat to the table” once again.


Video - 20mb

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