ever been shot at?

Guest Andrea

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Well, yesterday was a first for me. Granted, I haven't been hunting as long as some of you guys but I never thought I would be putting my life on a line! Yesterday I went hunting on public land. My climbing stand was right beside the river. I had only been sitting there for about an hour when I thought I heard a deer walking up to my right. All of a sudden 3 shotgun blasts came at me. I almost jumped out of the tree! The pellets were hitting all around me. They were hitting my tree, the leaves, and the water in front of me. Two guys (neither of them wearing camo or orange) were shooting at squirrels or something and I was in their path!!! Needless to say I yelled at them and told them I was sitting in front of them. They never said a word. They came into view, saw where I was (waving at them) and went back into the woods. I was SO MAD!!!! I didn't get a deer. I figured all the noise probably ruined that. Then my husband came to pick me up and had a NICE 8 point on the bow of the boat. And no, before anyone asks, I do NOT look like a squirrel. smile.gif

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Re: ever been shot at?

Sure have. Most recent, had some duck hunters across the river fire in the air and the pellets from their shots fell out over my head hitting the few leaves that were still on the oak tree around my head.

Back several years ago had an idiot who lived next to us shooting a rifle into the bottom(my property) from a hill where his house is located, I was sitting in a ladder stand in the bottom. There was nothing in the field or in the woods in the direction he was shooting. I turned on the backside of the tree until about 30 minutes after the last shot was fired. That guy and I had several run ins in the time he lived there.

That idiot got arrested not too long back in Florida for attempted murder.

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Re: ever been shot at?

Glad your ok ,,,,,,, that was close ,,,, Yes i've been shot at, while hunting on private land once, i got a deer a little after sunset, so i was back to the truck around 8:30 am, keep in mind i'm on the logging road, i'm standing next to my truck and i hear someone start to shot, all of a sudden bullets start wizzing by me, yes they were close , i could hear the bullets go by , i yelled even blew my whistle which i keep around my neck until i leave, yes i had my orange hat and vest on, i layed down while the shooting was going on until it was over....... yeah i was lucky ,,,,,,,,,

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Re: ever been shot at?

Yeah but not by hunters grin.gif Or should I say "Not by American Hunters". I been shot at a few times by our friends in the Mid-East. grin.gifGood thing they have bad aim huh grin.gif

That sucks for you though. I'll tell you what, I can't tolarate to much more of getting shot at...had that been me I might of snapped and fired off a few rounds myself grin.gif

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Re: ever been shot at?


Sure have. Most recent, had some duck hunters across the river fire in the air and the pellets from their shots fell out over my head hitting the few leaves that were still on the oak tree around my head.

Back several years ago had an idiot who lived next to us shooting a rifle into the bottom(my property) from a hill where his house is located, I was sitting in a ladder stand in the bottom. There was nothing in the field or in the woods in the direction he was shooting. I turned on the backside of the tree until about 30 minutes after the last shot was fired. That guy and I had several run ins in the time he lived there.

That idiot got arrested not too long back in Florida for attempted murder.

[/ QUOTE ] Well, I wonder who that guy was. We had one of our shooting houses get shot full of holes a few years ago. Thank God no one was sitting in it or they would have looked like swiss cheese!

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Re: ever been shot at?


Yeah but not by hunters grin.gif Or should I say "Not by American Hunters". I been shot at a few times by our friends in the Mid-East. grin.gifGood thing they have bad aim huh grin.gif

That sucks for you though. I'll tell you what, I can't tolarate to much more of getting shot at...had that been me I might of snapped and fired off a few rounds myself grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ] Well, I am glad those non-Americans had bad aim too. I just couldn't believe these guys were shooting at just anything. To tell you the truth, I don't think they even knew where they were. They weren't too sure of their surroundings when they tried to leave. And when I finally got a good look at them...you could tell they were teenagers. Oh well. The Lord was watching over me, that's for sure.

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Re: ever been shot at?

Been sprinkled several times with a shotgun and popped once with a .22, all unintentional.

I've had 2 pellets from the shotgun that I had my buddy dig out of my shoulder and arm with a pocket knife. The .22 was a ricochet that hit me square in the chest but didn't penetrate. It did leave a really nice bruise.

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Re: ever been shot at?

Some people are just ignorant. A friend of mine had a cousin who shot and killed a hunter in a treestand that he thought was a Giant Red-Headed woodpecker. When the hunter turned his head, the guy on the ground shot him. Killed him instantly. Now THAT is stupid. How do you mistake a human being for a bird????????

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Re: ever been shot at?

Yep. Twice.

First time was with a "buddy." My buddy's dog jumped a rabbit and it ran right in between us, well, he was about 40 yards away, but shot in my direction. I caught 2 or 3 pellets in the legs, and 2 or 3 in the chest. None of them broke skin (thanks to the heavy duck I was wearing), but my legs got welted up pretty good. He missed the rabbit, but I got it. I told him he should really watch where he shoots and showed him the welts on my legs. He couldn't believe that he shot me, but the evidence was clear.

The other time I was just peppered. We were guests at my buddy's buddy's duck hunting marsh. We sat in one blind, and another blind was about 100 yards away or so. Well, the other blind had a flock of ducks fly over, their shots rained down on us. I told the owner (who didn't like me for whatever reason) that we got peppered. He basically told me I was full of it. The next day, the owner was sitting where we were sitting and he got peppered by another group that was sitting where he was the previous day. After the hunting that day, I heard the owner tell the care taker of the property "Yogi, I think we need to move that one blind, we got peppered today." smirk.gif

I felt like saying "I told you so," but I didn't, but that was the last time we hunted there.

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Re: ever been shot at?

I've been peppered a few times dove hunting and had shot rain down on me while duck hunting but no other shotgun instances.

I had 2 instances deer hunting when I head shots going by me. The 1st was a slug going through branches over me. The 2nd was some idiot unloading his gun shooting at a deer on our side of the property line. I hugged the tree as best I could while I heard 5 rifle bullets zing by close enough to me to make my hair stand on end. I was real tempted to return fire but I didn't.

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Re: ever been shot at?

Yup, but not while hunting. I cant remember if I was hanging stands or just scouting but I was in the woods on my way back to the car when somebody nearby started unloading. I dont know what they were doing but whatever they were shooting was either semi or fully automatic. I got behind a tree a curled up in a ball while tons of shots went whizzing around me, banging off trees and knocking branches down on to me. Thats about all I can remember of that, I think I was around 14 or 15 at the time.

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: ever been shot at?

I have been shot at on 2 occasions. Once on a public lake duck hunting. Lake Seminole in South Ga, was where it happenned. A bunch of idiotic florida boys were lighting us up from the spray. We called the game warden to them and got them removed from the lake. If it was an accident, I could understand once or twice, but they did it all morning even we motored over to them to politely ask them to stop.

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