whitetail and mule deer??


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ok guys, weird question i know haha

but my dad has been thinkin all this time about the buck i shot during october here near roca NE and he thinks that it's a cross breed between a mule deer and whitetail.

in my mind there's NO WAY POSSIBLE it was cause out of all the deer i've see and shot they all look like that and they are all 100% whitetail, AND we are in roca NE.... there's no mule deer around for a hundred miles!

besides the fact that i dont think mule deer and whitetail even CAN breed


what do u guys think?

can mule deer and whitetail breed with eachother??

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I believe your deer is a whitetail.

but there is lots of studies that say YES mulies and whitetail can breed and make a hybrid deer.

I will see if I can't find that info again ;)



Edited by toddyboman
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1. Yes, muleys and whitetails can interbreed. I West River deer hunt in an area thick with both species and have even seen family groups of does that are mixed with muleys, whitetail and hybrids.

2. Your deer looks for the most part to be a whitetail, at least he has the dominant gene. His great-grandmother or great-grandfather might have been a muley, but I doubt it. He is maybe only 10% muley if he even is at all.

Dakota :)

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I'm not 100% sure if a mulie/whitetail hybrid is genetically sterile or not. Most species crosses, like mules, are. But I've never seen any data on deer. They might be able to reproduce as F-1 crosses.

Read an article that stated that as so, but I can't find it now. I did find this though.


Pretty interesting stuff.

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