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ha ha this is all funny as heck!! What's up with the Florida Gator fan that lives in Oklahoma?! That's gotta be pretty dangerous this day in age huh?!

....Oh, :):):rolleyes::D;)

......good thing I was late encountering this thread and had my nose buried in the latest periodicals searching for a new dire PMS remedy......:o:rolleyes::eek::D

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Isn't there something that you put on the bottom of your feet that gets rid of toxins? Seems like I saw something on TV about it. Maybe Kathleen will know what I'm talking about? :D

Have heard of those too. Have also heard of some other clinic method for detoxing that my sister in law's husband told us about.

Our neighbor, who is a retired chiropractor, is pretty big into herbal remedies. Bet he would know something Corey, I can ask him.

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ha ha this is all funny as heck!! What's up with the Florida Gator fan that lives in Oklahoma?! That's gotta be pretty dangerous this day in age huh?!

Born and raised a Gator Fan, and be darned if I'll turn!!!!!!! And I wear my Orange Blue everyday, and yep, I do get some weird looks!!!!:D:D:D:D

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