Letter to Santa

Guest Andrea

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I just had to show this to you guys. These letters were in our local paper. I'm guessing the child who wrote this one is in the first grade. The teachers don't correct the grammar because it is so cute.

Tominator should get a kick out of this.....

Dear Santa

I am being as good as I can. My brother cant wate for you to come. He wants a remocin chrol car. Nate wants a red Elmo. My Mom and Dad are riley icsidid. They want a new cawch. I want a DS that is pink. Santa I no that you have to go all aroud the world. So I will have a short list for Chrismis. I will have about 20 things. I wish you can come to my hawse.

Your friend Elizabeth.


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wait andrea r u sure you didnt write that j'k lol

Nah, mine would say something like this:

Dear Santa , please bring me a new toe as I broke mine today. A little snow would be nice too, or at least some really cold weather. Thanks........;)

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