Caylee Anthony

Guest Andrea

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Guess this was pretty much expected. And no one will ever understand why..........:(:(:(:(

The skull and bones found last week in a wooded lot outside Orlando, Fla., were positively identified as Caylee Anthony's on Friday, and Orange County officials declared the little girl was the victim of a homicide.

"With regret, I'm here to inform you that the skeletal remains are those of the missing toddler," said Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the medical examiner.

How the 2-year-old girl was killed remains a mystery. Caylee was two months shy of her third birthday when she vanished in June.

Garavaglia said Caylee's remains, which were found not far from the home where she lived with her mother and maternal grandparents, were identified through nuclear DNA analysis. "They are not intact. They are all disarticulated. They are completely skeletonized," the medical examiner said. She said some of the bones found were "tiny."

Click here for photos.

The news caps a five-month search for the girl, who was last seen in mid-June but wasn't reported missing by her mother until a month later. The mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, is behind bars without bond and charged with her daughter's murder.

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Isn't it amazing that there are parents out there that put their own sick pleasures ahead of the needs of someone so innocent, someone who depended on them?

When you think about your own child/children and know you'd gladly give your life for them without thinking twice.

It's impossible to imagine anything else. It just doesn't make sense.

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