letter from NYS bowhunters????


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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

One more thing!!!!

I thought they were going to be hand delivered to the DEC commissioner. It would be much better if one person delivered all of the letters to Commisioners crotty's desk. To have boxes of opposition letters siting on hi desk could make a point.

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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

Crotty has "retired" and I do not beleivbe a new commish has been named yet.

I would mail them in ASAP as the regional meetings begin soon.

Maybe do a search on DEC's web site for a better address or person to make them attention to. That was an address and contact from a NYB Alert I got a few days ago.

I got a letter back from DEC the other day, thanking me for my comments and blah, blah, blah!

I slid a full page copy of my signature below into the evelope too!

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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

It is encouraging to hear about all the letters that are being sent. That is so important! However, don't let that effect your personal attendance at these public meetings that are going to be held. It is really imperitive that we make a good showing at those meetings. Grab all the hunting buddies that you can and fill those meetings with bowhunters.


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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

Who's going to the DEC meeting at New Hartford High school. I will be their and also at west canada. Now is the time to get people to go and oppose the new policies. Do not get anyone to go, who will be rude and make us look bad. We need to be polite but strong with our views. We need to respect the people holding the meetings but we will not take any of their crap. Below, list concerns everybody has so others can bring them to meeting in which one cannot attend. If the same concerns are brought up at every meeting then we may have a chance at shutting this thing down.

I will start.

Concern number one!!!

The southrn tier "antlerless only" muzzleloader season is the same week as northern tier "either sex" muzzleloader season. This will give hunters who kill bucks in the south an excuse to say they killed it up north on state land. This will happen. Lot's of hunters do not abode by the law. We all do, and it will not be fair to us. The DEC has to be able to enforce laws that they make. They will not be able to enforce this one!!!!!!

Write down concerns so we can work together throughout the state to push our views and concerns. If a concern is not brought up that will be on this list, then bring it up before the end of the meeting!!!!!!

Just my two cents---Rossman

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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

The proposed placement of the muzzleloader season will degrade the quality of the remainder of the bow season because the deer will be put into a defensive mode.

Because of the superiority of the muzzleloader when compared to a shotgun, in terms of range and accuracy, there is no justification for muzzleloaders to have a separate early season.

The week being replaced by the muzzleloader is traditionally one of the more productive for bowhunters.

This proposal will also degrade the regular gun season, because the herd will start off the season still in a defensive mode, and potentially greatly reduced as far as doe harvest potential.


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Re: letter from NYS bowhunters????

I recieved the letters for my local bow shop and "Straight Arrow Archery" got about 150 signitures, opposing the proposals. They did a great job. I will be making copies and bringing the copies to the meetings. I figured a public transfer would do some good!!!!

The meeitngs are starting today. We need to kick it in now. Not give up. We need to be forceful but respectful. If we look like a bunch of lound abnoxious idiots then we can kiss our concerns god bye. Get as many opposers to these meetings as possible--rosman

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