Handgun Squirrel Hunt! (PICS)


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This morning I had planned on muzzleloading but by 8:30 AM I had changed my mind. The wind was howling and I had a better idea. I went back to the truck, dropped off my muzzleloader and grabbed my .22 Pistol.

By 11:30 I had bagged these 4, all of which were good sized grays. If I hadn't missed so many times, I'd have been done a LOT earlier! ;) Hitting those twitchy little things with a handgun is NOT easy...I have a red dot scope on my pistol which helps a lot, though.

Here's the first 2 that I got along with my S&W 22a:


Here I am on my way out, time to clean some squirrels!


Edited by Rem308
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