REm 870


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I want a new shotgun, one that shoots at least 3" shells. My old Win is just that, OLD. Model 1400 I've had about 25yrs or so. I also have a Browning Auto 5 Light 12 that was my dads, and it is only chambered in 2 3/4" as well, and after seeing what they sell for used, it has seen it's last shot. I REALLY want an auto loader, but most of the ones I ahve seen are WAY outta my price range. I have NEVER even owned a Remington, so I know crap about them. Any opinions?

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I have 2 870's. One is my dad's old 16, the other is my 12 ga. Express. The Wingmaster is prettier. Both are available in a 3" chamber.

As far as reliablility and durability, the 870 is tough to beat. I personally don't like them too much because they are a bit heavy and the length of pull is a bit too long for me.

I'd suggest you put a few guns to your shoulder. That's what I did when I got my Benelli. A lot like a bow, shotguns just have a certain feel to them, the Benelli just seemed to fit me better. A close second was the Browning Gold.

As far as price range, think about it, you will probably have this gun for a long time if you like it, wouldn't it make sense to get something you like? Maybe make payments on it or set up some kind of layaway plan. I couldn't really afford my Benelli at the time, but I bit the bullet and I'm completely happy with that gun. It's easily killed more birds and rabbits than all my other guns combined.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

You can get the Remington 870 express super-mag (which will shoot 3.5 hence the super-mag) in full realtree hardwoods at wal mart for about 325. Its a really good gun I used to have one.

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Guest riverrat
You can get the Remington 870 express super-mag (which will shoot 3.5 hence the super-mag) in full realtree hardwoods at wal mart for about 325. Its a really good gun I used to have one.
The 870 supermag is a very good gun.It is the sraightest shooting gun right out of the box that I own.I have patterned 835 mossberg's,mossberg 500 20 guage and benelli nova none of these guns hit P.O.A (point of aim) without putting adjustable sights on them.That is if you're going to choke them down and turkey hunt with the gun.
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Big fan of the 870s here. I've got a 12ga and a 20ga. My brother does as well and my dad has a left-handed 12ga. My 12ga is a super mag and it's performed very well in the time I've had it. I won a Browning BPS 12ga at our NWTF chapter banquet last spring, but I'll never use it because of my 870.

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I own 2 Remington shotguns (a 12 gauge pump 870 express deer) and a (20 gauge pump wingmaster). In my opinion the wingmaster is the better gun, but the 870 is a very good deer gun. Over the past 10 years the only problem i have had is that I didn't clean the bolt after the first season (I shot a buck). Two weeks later during the second season I went to shot a doe and "click". It wouldn't fire because the bolt was too dirty and the firing pin couldn't reach the shell. I now clean the bolt well after every use and the problem has not happened since.

I also own a 300 Remington Ultra Mag and a Black powder (Genesis).

I'm a big fan of Remington.

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I'm looking at several different ones, and will "throw" them up to see how they feel. I didn't do that when I bought the 835 I HAD, and paid the price, that gun SUCKED, gave me a headache whenever I shot it. Most of the ones I have looked at have been alot heavier that what I want, and the lighter ones in the $700 on up, and I just can't do that. I'm in no big hurry for one, so I'll just keep looking and researching what I find. Thanks guys

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I looked at alot of shotguns last year before purchasing a new bennelli super nova with steady grip stock.I found it to fit me better than all other brands,I like remington but the 870 felt like I was holding a brick in my hands.It is chamberd for 2.75" to 3.5" shells and can be used for hunting anything you wish.I bought it for turkeys but have used it for dove, rabbit and squerrill.It is truelly a all around gun that is comfortable and easy to shoot.

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Absolutely love my Remingtons. I have had my 870 for almost 18 years, and have 3 barrels for it. I have an 1187 premier in 20 ga with the english stock and a 12 ga special purpose. Actually going to go get another 870, but this one will be the Super Mag. Don't really use the 3.5" shells, but it helps with the some of the 3" shells that sometimes have a problem ejecting from 3" only guns. My 1187 12 ga doesn't like to kick out black cloud shells sometimes, so you give and take. Can't go wrong with a Remmy. Another good option is a Mossberg 500. Never had an issue with those either!

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I use tactical 870s at work....never had a problem with one. I think an 870 will serve you well and would not hesitate to purchase one if I was in the market for a pump shotgun...I would lean more towards the Nova though...not that much more in price range.

I should mention my Mossberg's a finicky ole girl. Sometimes she sticks to the point you grab the slide with both hands and put your weight into it to eject a shell...then the next one slips right out...never figured it out though. No amount of cleaning or lubrication makes a difference. Does pattern very nicely however.

Edited by EricF
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I would either go with an 870 or a remington spartan autoloader. The spartan, I believe is a model SPR 453. I have owned a Benelli Nova for about 6 years and I regret owning that gun. I sold it this past weekend. The 870's that I have used have been much more reliable than my Nova was. Also the Spartan shotgun is a reasonably priced autoloader. I won the Spartan that I have at a wild turkey banquet, and have nothing but praise for the gun. You can get a sparton for somewhere in the $450 range. To each his own though, good luck.

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I had sold my Benneli supernova to buy a 870 SP, I really loved the gun, the gun just feels really comfy, and the R3 pad is the best factory pad if you ask me. But i couldn;t hit nothing with the 870. I felt like there was no lead in my bullets :D. After puting the gun aside for a while and only using my benneli SBE2 i bought a kicks choke tube for the benneli and thought id buy one for the 870 also. OMG it went from me not hitting anything to me just expolding everything.

I dropped a mallard at at least 70 yards with a kicks Xfull choke. :eek: I was dropping ducks at distences i normaly wouldn;t even of lifted my gun to try.

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Want an autoloader eh? Have you concidered a Rem 1100? Awesome shotguns! ;) I have been killing deer with mine for 26 years. I would buy another in a heartbeat.

The 1100's are awesome guns and one of the best autoloaders of all time imho. The first time I shot one was at the 2008 Professional Outdoor Media Association field day. It was a 3" 20 gauge and in my hands a clay bustin' machine that was outshooting any 12 gauge I was shooting against. I definitely recommend it. :cool:

Dakota :)

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The 1100's are awesome guns and one of the best autoloaders of all time imho. The first time I shot one was at the 2008 Professional Outdoor Media Association field day. It was a 3" 20 gauge and in my hands a clay bustin' machine that was outshooting any 12 gauge I was shooting against. I definitely recommend it. :cool:

Dakota :)

Correct me im wrong but isn;t the 1100 a old model that was replaced by the 1187? Few of my friends had 1187's and they we;re big time jammers.

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They still make 1100s let me assure you. ;) I know for a fact that I was shooting a brand new 1100 as Remington senior sales exec. Linda Powell was right beside me while I was shooting it and verified it. Plus, as an outdoors writer you make sure you know what you're talking about so you don't look stupid. ;):D Good guns none-the-less! :)

Dakota :)

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