Another Picture Tribute


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After seeing Tedicast's tribute to his father, I thought that was really nice and liked it. Today it has been one month since my wife passed. I thought I would do something similar to honor her. So here we go.

This is Khristi.


Here she is with her pride and joy.


Khristi and Jacob


Khristi, Jake and I at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, NC


Another one of Jake and Khristi.


Khristi and I at the baseball park.


Jacob and Khristi on vacation in Colorado.


The next two are of Khristi and I in Cancun. The first is during/after a night of partying and the second is on the beach.



Here is Khristi and her little dog that helped her get through her first round of treatments, these two were pretty much unseperable.


This picture was taken this past spring. The only thing I have left now in this picture is my truck. The little dog ran off and never came home and the dalmation had to be put down. I will be glad when this year is over.


This is the last picture taken of Khristi, she is with Jacob and her father on Nov. 02, getting ready for church. This was about three weeks before she passed.


Thank you for letting me share these pictures with you.

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She's a doll....

I can't help but shed a tear for you......God Bless.

I have a good friend who is losing her fight with Cancer right now. She is the glue that holds our Ambulance Service Family together and we have hard times ahead also. God has an odd way of showing irony, almost as though he's telling us you can't save everyone, not even one of your own.

Your Love and Faith will get you through. Merry Christmas!

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