Neighbors 6pt


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My neighbors have permission to hunt the land that borders me on the East. This deer was killed about 300yds from my house, sad thing is I have pics of this buck behind my house 3 weeks earlier, following a doe. Thought this was a pretty impressive looking rack for a 6pt. The tines are about 8" long. I boiled it down last night, and took our pressure washer to it today, will bleach it here soon.


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Personally, I find that kind of rack to be pretty darn impressive, but isn't that the kind of deer that the QDM people would want culled from the herd? I believe their attitude would be that a deer that reached that level of maturity and still was only a 6 point would be something that they would want removed from the gene pool.

I think they would be wrong. I think that that kind of variation is good to see in a herd. And really, wouldn't almost anyone be happy to get a great trophy like that? I know I would.


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