looking out the window


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A couple of weeks ago it looked like it might be a brown Christmas but things sure can change. With temperatures hovering around -20 at night and daytime temps at 10 degrees or less and 18+ inches of snow (another 6 to 12 on the way) we have this white Christmas thing in the bag. After moving the snow around a bit I was relaxing and looking out the windows and decided to snap some pictures.

First couple are looking out the front picture window



Then I moved to the breakfast nook and saw a couple of fawns.


His face looks more like a mouse in this one.


This fawn is almost twice as big as the other one.


The fawns moved off and their daddies came by.



It was getting a little dark by the time this guy arrived and I could not get the camera to focus. He seems to be the shy one in the bunch.


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Love the picture of the red breasted nuthatch. We had a pair of them here the past two years but haven't seen them this year.:( Quite a few white breasted nuthatches around though. :)

I have a bird feeder almost identical to that one, it keeps the squirrels away quite nicely. ;)

Love the pics of the fawns too. Gotta love those little guys and gals.

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