Almost forgot this one (photo)


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This is a doe I got the last weekend of archery season I think it was, at the neighbor's place. Sitting in the same ladder stand where I got my archery opener doe, this girl, who was pretty good size, came up and fed for a bit in a grassy spot along a trail going up the edge of the woods and pines/goldenrod. She finally stepped out between 20 and 25 yards, quartering towards me a little bit. I settled my pin on her and let it fly. Recovered her about 150 yards down a hill in the woods. Angled a little back farther than I wanted but hit liver, didn't mess up the guts, so it ended well. Before she had come out though, I got the privilige of watching and hearing a monster 9 point chasing this scrubby little buck around. I actually had the beast 25 and 30 yards from my stand, same area where I shot the doe. Didn't see him after that when we hunted during shotgun. Was busy with school and hunting so that it why this is a delayed post:o;)


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