Merry Christmas! whatcha get?


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I had a great Christmas! I got to spend the morning with my family! Mom and dad really suprised Jenn and I this year. They got us two of those really nice antler lamps from bass pro for our house. But the best gift of all was a blanket mom and dad had made for us. It was a knit blanket and the design on it was our wedding picture. I'll have to post pic of it cause it's something very special indeed. Jenn got me a realtree truck set with seat covers, steering wheel covers, floor mats, and air freshners. So I made out like a bandit. But the best thing was getting to spend time with both of our families. It was one of the best Christmas's that I can remember. I'm glad to see that everyone had a good Christmas. God truly blessed us this season. :)

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The best...CHRIST as Savior!

Certainly the best gift I could ask for or ever receive.

The kids had a pretty good Christmas, that makes me smile.:D Not about getting any gifts, but Santa:p did bring the wife a new pair of nikon bino's to share with me and a remington 597 in .22 for our 7 year old to share with me.:cool: Hopefully she will be healed up pretty soon and we can get her to shooting some cans and milk jugs.

Our oldest two daughters made me a little deer statue out of modeling clay, pretty special gift and pretty cool. Got myself a new cabelas dry plus jacket in AP, it is still in the box wrapped up and sitting under the tree, got too busy with getting stuff out of the packages for the kids and playing with them to bother to even open it up.:eek::o

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My Daughter Cas made me a scrapbook - little sneak has been raiding my scrapbooking room for the past month without me detecting her.

In-laws got me a sweater from Bass Pro

My Father got me a electric blanket

The biggest surprise of the all was a Cricut personal electronic cutter from Steve!!! I have been wanting one for the past 2 years.

The best gift of all was being able to spend the past 2 days with family and friends. I was even able to hear from all my family down in Texas.

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"Santa" brought these to our boys, who were totally surprised. They got mostly clothes and stuff under the tree and were trying to act happy about it. LOL...............then we took them outside.;)



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Guest shorty785

had the other family christmas yesterday and got everything i've been waiting for

i got a new scentblocker jacket and pants, mathews solo cam hard case, and 15 vapor arrows

i was pumped

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A few things...low key this year. Gifts aren't really what Christmas is about but I did get:

Set of lavendar sheets for my bed

$30 gift cert. to the local archery shop

Chocolate of course

Slippers, socks

Random bath stuff

couple DVD's

I still have to order my one gift I asked for: NCLEX review book for studying for nursing exams

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I got a Renzetti traveler fly tying vise among other things but this was all I wanted.:cool:


Nice Muggs, i need one of those good vices:)

A great year this year:

1/ Jesus

2/ Got to give presents to my family, i love that part the most.

3/ Clothes for work and a gift card for my Irish Setter boots

4/ The look on my wifes face when she opened her cashmere coat and the leather jacket i had been saving to buy her;)

Great time!!!!

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A few things...low key this year. Gifts aren't really what Christmas is about but I did get:

Set of lavendar sheets for my bed

$30 gift cert. to the local archery shop

Chocolate of course

Slippers, socks

Random bath stuff

couple DVD's

I still have to order my one gift I asked for: NCLEX review book for studying for nursing exams

What, no tractor stuff Ruth?! :D

I also got a very unexpected gift yesterday from my Father-in-law. I got a package from Bass Pro in the mail, opened it up, and...A Leupold Rangefinder!

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