Some Assembly Required.. tis the season


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Found this on another forum. Did you ever want to write this letter? :D

"Dear Mr. "Some Assembly Required", You Sir, are a "Dead Man walking".

When I find you, and I will, you will regret the day you came up with the idea of cutting your labor cost by having me, the customer, assemble your toys.

Yes, it's Christmas eve, and of course I love those kids, even if I've spent 3 of the most *%@&$#* frustrating hours of my life, with; 180 3.5x22 ka screws, 120 4x45mm PWA screws, 40 6x30mm allen key bolts and 39 - NOT - 40 washers you %$*#head! When I find you, "in the Face or in the Gut" will not be options.

What rocket scientist came up with using 3.5x22 ka screws anyway? What's the matter, you couldn't you find anything smaller? I'm sure he thinks that was just hysterical? Do you realize how small they are? Do you!!! Well he can run, but he can't hide.

And another thing; is the guy that "Pre-Drills" those pilot holes drunk every day, or just when he worked on the unit I bought??? Don't you guys own a ruler??? He's on my list TOO.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT HOTLINE my butt. Is there even a phone on the other end? I hate you and the horse you rode in on. If I see that horse, he's going to the glue factory.

Who did you get to write those instructions? Albert Einstein?? Why are there 19 pages to put together a #%@*^%*$#% TOY!!! And what’s the matter? You couldn’t find anyone to write the instructions that had English as his first language? Or even his second language? AND WHERE THE ---- IS PAGE 5!!! I HATE YOU!

Suck Flaming Death & Die"

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Laff if you must and once you think your kids are all gone and those days are over - think again!

Along comes Grandkids if yer so blessed and then a creative wife who thinks it is fun to start all over again!

Thank God I have a repair shop with tools to use not listed in those Hyroglific (sp?) instructions!

To me I do not understand why putting a child's ironing board together took me so long!


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