New rest recommendations?


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well for a rookie i would suggest a whisker biscuit,, there easy cheap and work really well,, but from looking at all your post that u've made i would say your not a rookie anymore,, so would suggest a trophy ridge drop away,, there around a hundred bucks they are very effective,, the only problem u would have is if your arrow was to kick off the rest while drawing,, but i love mine!!!

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I dunno, Ruth, depends on how much you want to spend. My next rest is going to be the G5 expert There are 2 models, Expert I and Expert II, only difference is the micro adjust on the expert II). The QAD is nice. Also for the money, the Ripcord is a good rest also, I have that one and also a Muzzy, which is also a nice rest. And you can't forget about the whisker biscuit either.

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  VermontHunter said:
I have to agree with Jason ,,, the QAD will be my next rest also ...


I switched over to this rest from 6 years with the whisker biscuit and I absolutely love it.I never thought i would shoot anything but the biscuit until i tried this rest. Its almost totally silent when drawing back and release , and like the biscuit you don't have to worry about the arrow falling out. It is also very easy to set up. The consistency of shot groups are far more than the biscuit not to mention the gained arrow speed. I highly recommend this rest.

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  Gator said:
Look at the QAD Ultra Rest. It's a fall away, but will lock in the up position, and fall when the string is released, but say you draw and let down, it will stay up. This WILL be my next rest

  VermontHunter said:
I have to agree with Jason ,,, the QAD will be my next rest also ...


  RackBlaster said:
I switched over to this rest from 6 years with the whisker biscuit and I absolutely love it.I never thought i would shoot anything but the biscuit until i tried this rest. Its almost totally silent when drawing back and release , and like the biscuit you don't have to worry about the arrow falling out. It is also very easy to set up. The consistency of shot groups are far more than the biscuit not to mention the gained arrow speed. I highly recommend this rest.

This will be my next rest as well! ;)

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I switched both of my hunting rests over to the WB deluxe's two years ago, these rest are so reliable and easy to it's pittiful. they look like nothing but dang do they work, it'd take more than a hurricane to get the arrow off of the rest, they are accurate as well as easy to tune. I'd recomment them for any hunting set up.

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  RackBlaster said:
I switched over to this rest from 6 years with the whisker biscuit and I absolutely love it.I never thought i would shoot anything but the biscuit until i tried this rest. Its almost totally silent when drawing back and release , and like the biscuit you don't have to worry about the arrow falling out. It is also very easy to set up. The consistency of shot groups are far more than the biscuit not to mention the gained arrow speed. I highly recommend this rest.

I dont think loseing a few feet per second is important enough to give up my buisqet in exchange for something with moveing parts.I dont think the ten pointer I killed this year minded a few less feet from my arrow that passed all the way through him.I do agree with the quad though,if I was going to switch to a drop away it would probably be this one.Does the cord from the rest have to be served in or does it attach to the cable with some kind of clamp?

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I dont think loseing a few feet per second is important enough to give up my buisqet in exchange for something with moveing parts.I dont think the ten pointer I killed this year minded a few less feet from my arrow that passed all the way through him.I do agree with the quad though,if I was going to switch to a drop away it would probably be this one.Does the cord from the rest have to be served in or does it attach to the cable with some kind of clamp?

I agree with you on the speed thing, that played no part in the reason switching over. Ive taken many deer with the biscuit and for me when something works i don't like to change it, but after shooting the QAD I was sold. The reasons that i switched were for the silence, i was more consistent in shot placement and under certain conditions the bristles on the biscuit would freeze solid, totally throwing my shot off. I still love the biscuit and highly recommend it to everyone as one of the best, most reliable rest ever made, and who knows , i will probably be back to it . As far as your question, it does come with a clamp but i tied it to the cable the same way as a string loop.

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Another vote for the QAD. I, my dad and son all use one and have been very happy with them.

I just bought the $49 hunter, I think it great and the price is very reasonable with so many rests going for $100+

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  turkeygirl said:
Anyone know how far you can shoot with a WB?

Farthest I'd shoot hunting is 30 yards, maybe 35 on rare occasion, has yet to happen, but for the few times I go onto a 3D course, I always encounter 35-40 yard shots so I was wondering what the WB will do.

As far as you want or need Ruth ... ;);)

The WB Rest will do everything any other rest will do .. ;):cool:

I shoot out to 55 yrds with mine that's mounted on my Katera .. :)

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  turkeygirl said:
Anyone know how far you can shoot with a WB?

Farthest I'd shoot hunting is 30 yards, maybe 35 on rare occasion, has yet to happen, but for the few times I go onto a 3D course, I always encounter 35-40 yard shots so I was wondering what the WB will do.

  VermontHunter said:
As far as you want or need Ruth ... ;);)

The WB Rest will do everything any other rest will do .. ;):cool:

I shoot out to 55 yrds with mine that's mounted on my Katera .. :)

What he said! I shoot out to 60-70 yards, just for fun and as a confident booster! ;)

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  turkeygirl said:
Thanks for the input...Drop aways sound good, but for what I do..mostly hunting and some 3D for fun...I'm kind of leaning towards a whisker biscuit...simple...holds the arrow..I can focus more on my form...and hopefully it'll be fairly quiet.

Yep.It will be at least as quiet as a drop away and no moving parts to give problems.Just remember to put a drop of glue in front of and behind the vanes and you won't have any problems with the biscuit.Remember I tried he drop away and went BACK to the biscuit. There is a reason it is the most one of popular hunting rests. IT WORKS!

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