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So my daughter Megan text me last night wanting to know if I would take her to the mall, and I just thought the Sooner mall in Norman, which is fairly close to home. ( Did I tell ya'll I don't do malls:rolleyes:). Anyways, being the good daddy I am:rolleyes::D I agreed. I left home at 1030, and 2 malls, 2 Ross, Sportsman Warehouse, and Academy later, I got home at 515. WOW is all I can say. She is into wearing Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch:rolleyes:. WAY OVERPRICED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First mall was busy, but not overly. Second, WOW, PACKED!!!!! Glad she is paying for it and not me!! Ever seen a redneck in them places? Talk about a fish outta water, LOL!!!! But all in all we had fun, and that's all that matters to me;). But I am TIRED now, my ole feet HURT!!!!! Time for a toddy and some UFC tonight now!!

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Ever seen a redneck in them places? Talk about a fish outta water, LOL!!!!

Yep! My buddy wanted to get some Hollister perfume for his li'l woman, so Kenny, 2 other guys went along planning to go to Sheplers afterwards.

After looking all over for the place, and walking right past it about 3 times, we found it, and 4 guys wearing wranglers, cowboy boots, and bill caps stomped in there. Kenny proceeded to ask the cute li'l gal behind the counter how to run them tester thingys while the rest of us kicked back in the goofy lookin' couches/chairs and laughed at him.

We looked more at home at Sheplers. LOL

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Yep! My buddy wanted to get some Hollister perfume for his li'l woman, so Kenny, 2 other guys went along planning to go to Sheplers afterwards.

After looking all over for the place, and walking right past it about 3 times, we found it, and 4 guys wearing wranglers, cowboy boots, and bill caps stomped in there. Kenny proceeded to ask the cute li'l gal behind the counter how to run them tester thingys while the rest of us kicked back in the goofy lookin' couches/chairs and laughed at him.

We looked more at home at Sheplers. LOL

Sounds like a Jeff Foxworthy joke. LOL.

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Why Jason !! I think you've become domesticated once again by the female persuasion .. :D:D

Now I wouldn't go THAT far!!!!!! I mean, the girl IS 15, and enjoys being around her daddy, and vice versa. Now when I start talking marriage :eek::eek: or even moving in, THEN ya'll can take my mancard, but then and only then!!!!!!!!!!

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