Randy Oitker is in New York City!!


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I wanted to let everyone know that Randy,my husband and our daughter Tiffany are just going through the Holland Tunnel into NYC. Randy bought an item on ebay in NJ(pickup only) and said we might as well go to NYC and see the Statue of Liberty and the city. They saw her as they were crossing some bridge and could see the NYC skyline. Dad is trying to video tape while moving. They are going to try to see as much as they can today and then head back to NJ tonight. I think they are going to stop by and see ruttinbuc. i hope they will have some video and or pics. to share with the forum members.

Randy has been driving since 3:30pm Sat. and and drove straight through without waking up dad! They even stopped at an Outback for dinner in Springfield last night and Randy still didn't get tired. BTW, Randy is wearing a Team Realtree shirt in NYC!

I am sure he has pm's to answer when he gets home sometime on Tuesday.


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Yes, they had a good and wet trip. It rained most of the way but it is 62 in NYC right now. At home it is 32. I just talked with them and they were at Battery Park overlooking the Statue of Liberty. He didn't get a truck but you are close.:rolleyes:

He will have to post pics.of his new ebay item when he gets home. He said they drove by where the Trade Center was and there were flags everywhere. I think they might have it on video.


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I talked to Randy for quite some time last night as they motored east. I know they are pretty excited to be going to New York City. It is one of those places where you have to see it to believe it. Pictures and television do not do it justice. It gets a bad rap, but it truly is a great place to visit. It will be quite an experience for them, for sure.

I know what the ebay item is, but I won't spill the beans...:p Randy will be making the pickup about 40 minutes from me and is going to try and get to my place tomorrow. It will be good to see him and dad again and to meet Tiffany. :)

Need to run...Have some picking up to do around here...:D

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Cheese and crackers boys...Wish I would've known.

Just let him know if he gets a flat the calvary is not far away:D

Have a safe trip Randy.

Thanks Anthony, that is a good thing to know.

My daughter has been shopping at several stores including the Hard Rock cafe and has her dad and brother holding all of her shopping bags.She said they went past the Ripley's museum too in Times Square. They said it is a busy place at night.


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I know I am a little late but I have been visiting family.

Welcome to my home state of New York. I wish you were closer, I would give you the grand tour of the best part of New York, everything north of New York City! :rolleyes::D

I have been pestering Randy to come do his thing up here but he says I have to wait. :D

Hope you are enjoying your visit!

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I haven't heard from my family and ruttinbuc for over 3 hours. i am worried of course. They were walking somewhere on W.40th street looking for midtown comics at 8:30pm eastern.

I have tried everyones cell and no one answers. I pray that everything is okay. It is difficult being 1000 miles away and don't know what is going on.They parked in a parking garage somewhere near 5th ave.

I just had to talk with someone.

Thanks and let's pray they are all okay,


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