Hey all you man room lovers,


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You got me thinking, I don't really have a "man room". :( I do however have a section of my garage that I call the shop. I figured what the heck, I may as well turn that into my man cave. :cool: So this morning off to the lumber yard to get started on this project.

Here's what it looked like this morning:


A few hours and a little $$$ later, here it is!


And it's ALL you guy's from RT's, fault!! :p:D

Thanks Guys!! :cool:

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By gosh, there might be hope for you after all! LOL!

Looks great!

Don't count on it Orlan! :D

Looks great, Randy!

So...when is the party?

Sept. something, we ought to do a goose hunt this year...;)

Looks good Randy.

My mounts are all in the living room here, just could not put them in the garage.

Not that it's a bad problem to have but,....I'm running out of room in the living room. :o:cool::D
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