Hey all you man room lovers,


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Well so far so good then............that wood is pretty. Now you need a flat screen tv, a pool table, some neon lights, a fridge, couple of recliners and a good stereo system. Maybe an Xbox 360 .:cool:

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Originally Posted by wtnhunt viewpost.gif

Looks good Randy.

My mounts are all in the living room here, just could not put them in the garage.

Not that it's a bad problem to have but,....I'm running out of room in the living room. :o:cool::D

Nope, not a bad problem at all Randy.:rolleyes::D Eventually we are going to build a house, hopefully we will have more room in our living room for mounts when we do build.

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Guest shorty785
what kind of wood is that i want my (soon to be father inlaw) to do are basement in that

seeing as everyone hangs there deer in the basement

are you giving me permission to have a man room:D:cool:

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I'm thinking me and Chrud should come down to see if the fridge works in there :)
Come on! Don't let a measley "white out" down here stop ya! Oh, and BTW, it works just fine...;):D

I told my wife that I wanted a "man-room". She told me, "You can have one when you start acting like a Man." I nodded my head and returned to washing dishes.




Definitely. That would be a good time! :cool:

Lets go! The Silverado is filled up and ready for a trip. :D:cool:

Just like Super 8, we'll leave the light on for ya! :D
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