Bad luck tonight.....

Guest Finn

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We've been hunting quite abit this season....Casey finally got a look at a decent buck this afternoon.

He took his time, picked a good spot, and released....he heard something pinging around Grampa's shack....didn't know what happened.

I came in from my stand and we looked for sign...found his arrow in the snow and it was a clean miss.

We got back to Grampa's and Casey had to find out what happened....he went back to the shack and found a button on the floor, off the breast pocket of his jacket :(

This is the buck he shot at:


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Well, I got a look at him yesterday afternoon....he needed to take 2 more steps and I'd have had a clear 18 yard shot. :( Casey filmed him, so I gotta figure how to convert it and post the video.

Casey is sitting there today....hope he gets a shot today!

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