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Pretty excited about tomorrow. Ohiobucks has arranged for his buddy (an official scorer for P & Y), to score my '08 buck and Tom's '07 buck after lunch.

I think this will be the highlight of my Christmas break as I have been quite the bear to live with lately. I have a ton of things on my mind, most notably my 6 month check up Friday. I've been having some unusual, persistent feelings in my chest and neck and I'm really worried.

Anyway, tomorrow should be fun and hopefully it will take my mind off of things for a little while.

BTW--in case you forgot, (and because I miss him) :D here's my '08 deer shot back in October.





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Is it after lunch yet? lol.:rolleyes::D

Hope he squeaked by bud. Guess I will have to check back again a little later.;):D



Scoring was a little bitter sweet to be honest. Tom's wife had a little incident with her van today, so Tom had to go arrange a tow truck after lunch. :( The actual scoring went well though. :cool:

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