randyoitker1 Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Home and Rested, I want to give everyone my HONEST opinion of NYC. First of all driving in NYC sucks! It is a $350. fine for honking and you would think that they were getting paid $350.to honk! The streets were so bad with chug holes and pot holes, that I would not drive anything there but a rental. I want to tell everyone that all in all this country boy got a big surprise. I have been to a lot of major cities like,Atlanta, Nashville, Phoenix,Dallas,Erie,PA., Philidelphia,St. Louis and Chicago just to name a few. I have NEVER felt safer walking down a downtown city street than I did in NYC. In some of the other cities that I have stayed in, I have been warned not to leave the hotel because the city is so bad. I had always heard all of these stories about all of the muggers and rude and obnoxiuos people that were in New York City. I am sure that NYC has its bad people and bad places. But, everywhere that we went,8th Ave., 7th Ave,5th Ave. and places that we were lost in, I FELT SAFE! We met some of the nicest people while in NYC. I want to THANK MIKE,RUTTINBUC, for letting me park my car at his place. If I would have had to drive it through the streets of NYC. , I would have had to bring it home in a basket! It was really a pleasure having Mike come with us on our 2nd day in NYC. I was kind of bored on the first day going to all of those girly, girly stores with my sister.At least when Mike was along we got to talk about other things besides shopping. As Mike will tell you, we were all really surprised when we went into the JUICY COUTURE store. My sister has always bought Juicy Couture stuff on the internet but had never been to one of their stores. Amazingly, in the store, where Mike was told not to take any more pics,after he had taken one of the pink deer, we noticed that they had whitetail deer racks, a sika deer rack, a mounted grouse in flight and even a full shoulder mount of an African Blesbuck all in a JUICY COUTURE store on 5TH AVE!! They had gold chains and lipstick on the Blesbuck but I figured that is just NYC! As we were paying for my sisters purchase,we were even more surprised. The cashier said that her dad, up until 2008, held the world record for big horn sheep. She said she really liked it when he took her on safaris with him! There ain't a lot for a hunter to do or see in NYC but there were tons of electronics,video cameras and OH, did I forget to say beautiful women! AS Mike and I found out,most of them didn't speak English or at least that is what they said!! In Sept. of 2008 on the Friday before Labor Day, I received a call from the producer of the David Letterman show. They wanted to fly me and my family to NYC to perform for the Stupid Human Trick segment.I told them that I had to be in WY. for an antelope hunt. They were great and said they would fly me to NYC and then fly me to WY., so I would only miss a couple of days. But things started falling through. First of all, I can't fly with all of my targets and bows, so I was going to drive to NYC and then straight on to WY. Then at the last minute, the Mayor of NYC said that the Letterman show couldn't shut down the street behind the studio (where they always do everything) because of the Labor Day traffic. So, they said that they would call me for a future appearance and they promised me a limosine tour of the city. Honestly, whether that happens this year or not, I can not wait to go back to NYC! This year I am scheduled for a moose hunt with Kathleen, an antelope hunt with Steve B. and if I can get enough interest, We might have a REALTREE FORUM get together for REDNECK HUNTERS in NYC!! As Mike will tell you, the pictures or the video does not do NYC justice! I was truly in AWE of the big city night life and the amazing people! I cannot imagine how things were on Sept.11 when the tragedy happened. I want to thank everyone for the kind words and well wishes. And Randy I DID NOT TICKLE ELMO! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Randy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slughunter Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 My brother lives in brooklyn new york and he likes it a lot. I cant stand the place. Too many people for me. I go there probably 3 times a year and usually just cant wait to go home. I will agree with you on the horn honking tho, if you dont get moving within 1 second they are laying on the horn. Glad you had a good time there tho. -shane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OJR Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Randy, you are a total expert with the bow! Now when it comes to NYC, you are still pretty wet behind the ears! LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Thank you on the compliments Randy. Glad you had a good time visiting here. Yup, winter is bad with potholes in the street here. Even worse on the vette suspension. Good move using the rental. Everyone has been hammerin' NYC and some have been there only a couple of days. Sure its crowded and loud...after all, it is THE largest city in the world. Manhattan has become a tourist wonderland and the days of seedy Times Square are gone. As you have seen. I was born and raised in The Bronx,NY...we say Da Bronx:D Now, we live in the burbs with huntable whitetail in my backyard;) with NYC 40 miles south. I work there. So next time you make the venture to the concrete jungle give me a ring...I'll take ya places tour guides don't/can't know. Don't worry, a country boy can survive. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swamphunter Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 My brother and his wife go to NYC a couple of times a year. They take the Amtrak train down from Plattsburgh. They said the same thing, that even though it is a big city, they felt very safe walking through town. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michihunter Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Glad you enjoyed yourself Randy. And I'll be looking forward to the Letterman gig. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Glad to hear you had a good time Randy. Hope things work out with the letterman deal too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevebeilgard Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 i'm glad you had fun, randy. but, considering your life disposition, there's not many places you can't go and have fun. you have that good, positive attitude and look for the best in life. but you'd best keep a wary eye on that gorgeous little 14 year old. she's going to be a heart breaker! (if she isn't already) lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
backwoods07 Posted January 2, 2009 Report Share Posted January 2, 2009 Sounds like a great time Randy. Good luck in Wyoming, and you when you do get on the Letterman show, be sure to let us all know! Guarantee none of us will miss it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted January 3, 2009 Report Share Posted January 3, 2009 I can't believe you passed up a golden opportunity to tickle a lifesize Elmo doll! I'm a little concerned about your sense of adventure Randy? :D:D:D I'm glad you had a good time and made it out of there safe and sound. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snapper Posted January 3, 2009 Report Share Posted January 3, 2009 I can't believe you passed up a golden opportunity to tickle a lifesize Elmo doll! Are you kidding me...theres a life size Elmo doll in NYC? I'm on my way!!!!!!!! My boy would love that! I personally didn't care for NYC, been there a few times...yes driving sucks and is a nightmare. Yes I to felt safe...just not a BIG city, large crowd type of person. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ruttinbuc Posted January 4, 2009 Report Share Posted January 4, 2009 Randy, I am glad I could help and truly enjoyed the trip. It really was a blast touring the city with the you all. I can't believe you passed up a golden opportunity to tickle a lifesize Elmo doll!I think this guy wanted to tickle Elmo... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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