Haunted Bedroom Lamp?


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Ok so I wake up this morning at 5:30 from the wife saying, what the heQQ is going on? I thought she was losing it, and aked her what she was talking about. She said my lamp on my side of the bed was flashing on and off by itself and she woke up thinking it was lightning.

Sure enough about 30 seconds later the bulb flashes twice, I checked the 3 position switch and it was in the off position. So I unscrewed the bulb and laid back down, shortly after that I have a cup of coffee in my hand because I can't get back to sleep!

Guess it is a trip to the hardware store for a new switch today LOL.

What a start to the morning.


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We had a touch lamp that would go on and off by itself til I figured out what it was that was causing this. We would turn the lights on to go out for the evening and come back and the light is off??? Spooked us a few times then I realized that the lamp was on the same circuit as the blower on our propane free standing heater. The small amout of surge when the blower would cycle on/off would be enough to turn the lamp on/off.

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