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No, I don't mean that furry little alien creature from television past. What I mean is the Animal Liberation Front. Most of us here know the kind of methods they resort to in order to get their point across, but I am pretty sure that some don't. As part of my daily internet routine, I like to surf some of my favorite websites that keep me informed of things of this nature. The website below is one of them. Now, these guys make PETA and the HSUS look like an Alice in Wonderland tea party. They are also known as domestic terrorists. Chock full of hypocrisy, and other falsehoods to get people to follow along with their plight. Much like international terrorists such as Al Qaeda.

We know they are violent. We know they are destructive. What we should be educating ourselves on is their political affiliations. You will find that most every website I have perused recently will have some sort of support for Obama, and also some sort of hatred for Bush/McCain. There are some big names in government that most of us know are on the payroll (donation wise) with some sort of Animal Rights group. Some of them are conveniently "upper class" such as the Sierra Club. Which also through funding, has supported some actions in the past of anti-hunting.

Now, when arguments flair up on here about support/non-support for Obama and the Democratic Party, I will ask only one question...How can we consciously vote people into office that are entertwined with these groups, and say it is for the good of a nation, hidden behind the label of "Change?" Change what I ask? If you ask me, we just allowed that "change" to be in the form of support for domestic and international terrorism. If only through funding and legislation.

Nobody has a leg to stand on when it comes to this website below. For the record, did anyone know that it was Bush's buddy in power Tony Blair who put a stop to hunting in the U.K.? Yep. His platform when he ran was partly funded by animal rights groups. What a tangled web we weave....

This is the most recent story you might enjoy....

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